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RE: Magic Monday: Unboxing Zendikar Rising Gift Edition

For playing... they are great. The cards are superb in quality... but they are over printing them. I recently got into buying sealed product to horde for a few years but am cagey about it on some of these sets.


Yeah, I started opening packs, and pulled some pretty stellar cards that don't sell for much. On one hand, I like it as a player to see more good cards becoming affordable. As a collector and occasional trader, not so much.

Do you watch this dude at all, it's all financial and not player stuff. I will be keeping away from Strixhaven for the reasons he mentions.

He knows his crypto as well... its quite obvious.

I do not, but I might start. I don't tend to follow the financials though.

He's loud and outrageous but tells it all, and Wizards must hate him. You probably know by now, I no longer play but am still interested in the Financial side.