in Hive PH3 months ago (edited)

The concept of a real man rooted throughout the history of mankind. In various cultural, societal and personal interpretation, real man is interpreted as being responsible in all works plus great obligation. A real man is identified by his experiences disregarding by his physical beauty. He is identified by the strength he possesses, he endures and carries, He is observed by the hard jobs he went through, and by his skills he acquires individually and most important by his soft treatment towards women.


Well Experience:
A real man is distinguished by his past. He must have undergone hard problems and solved such without much aid from others. He must have stood great and strong. Pass through hard problems from financial, health, education and training. He must have tried at least being bitten by random animals, had wounds, accidents and beat random pains.

Has the Strength:
A real man is physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight. He is active and is industrious at all times. He must not be weary. He must have really served God by public service at least. He must have the blueprint for his future. He is not afraid of snakes and dark places. He calms his mind during stressful moments. He speaks like a god himself. A real man understands the importance of taking responsibility for his actions and accepting obligations which involves welcoming one's mistakes, apologetic, learning from them, and striving to improve. He contributes to the goodness of his community, stands up against injustice, oppression, promotes equality and protects those who are in need.

Has Skills:
A real must have something of a skills or talent either learned or inherited. He must be good at something which he can be used for endeavors and for livelihood. He must excel in either education or training. He walks and talks professionally. A real man is aware of the things happening in his area. He is able to control his own body and temptations. He listens to others and to the nature. He must have the wisdom driven from the religious aspects.

Respects Women:
A real man doesn’t hurt a woman’s feelings. He is gentle and kind. He must not abuse her or take advantage on her. He understands the capacity of his opposite sex, emotional vulnerability of women and fostering mutual relationships. He addresses social issues, aware of gender inequality and connects to a woman on a deeper level. He is dominant over women not to belittle them or mistreat them but to assure them protection, comfort, trust and reliability.

A man is different from a boy by the following determinants:
A man has better control in his emotions. He is not aggressive and impulsive in decision-making while a boy struggles with emotion, explodes and difficulty in expression. A man accepts defeat, and consequences of his actions while a boy usually commits mistakes due to irresponsibility. A man continuously improves, learning from his pasts, open on feedbacks, improvises, adapts, overcomes. He strives to become a better version of himself while a boy is less focused on his personal growth and betterment. A boy is more into emotions and avoidance or resistance of hardships. A man values and nurtures relationships. He initiates and handles women with care. He prioritizes others his love ones and maintains healthy communication or connection. A boy struggles conflict resolution leading to distorted relationship and lack of intimacy.

Now, so much for definition and comparison, to be a perfect father and husband, one must obtain the above qualities of a real man. Before he enters into building family, He must be equipped with knowledge, skills, values, and wisdom.

Now my friends let me share to you my ultimate plan why I did all this jobs since puberty. I am striving to be a perfect man of myself -- intact with knowledge, skills, values and wisdom. I want my future family to be proud of me that I am well informed of anything. That I am more educated, well-experiences on things. These are my qualities:

I have identified my weakness, my bad side, my limit as a normal person but I don’t stop. I am trying to improvise, adapt and overcome on problems. I am patient and introvert person. Because I know a perfect father and husband is willing to invest time, setting goals has positive outlook and understands emotions and a source of inspiration to my partner.

I am striving to communicate well not literally to speak out but by balancing the situations during socialization. I listen before I speak. I teach and receives lessons. I promote mutual understanding. I think before I do. I put God first at all times. I don’t decide right away but when I do, I commit to it and stand by it.

Quality Time:
Honestly, this part is my weakness. I am a workaholic type. I mostly spend my time doing random things which improves myself in return, I left my family and home unattended. I fail sometimes towards my nephews, to my responsibilities at home. I fail to demonstrate values and strong emotional connection with them.

The reason why I don’t spend much is that I am afraid of having lots of lots of debt. As of now I have two debts – one is on my loan and the other is in the canteen. To be prepared for the future and free from outside obligations, I stand firm in the temptation of buying unnecessary things -- whether tools or for foods. I regularly give my nephews their stipend for school. And they can lean on me during difficult times.

Additional Responsibility:
Nowadays, it is essential for both parents to share responsibilities, including household chores, childcare, and financial management. But perfect father and husband understands the importance of this balance and actively participates in these tasks, demonstrating sole commitment for the family's well-being.

As per my skills though not really professional in the matter: I am a carpenter, plumber, mason, mechanic, electrician, computer literate and a repairman. I am currently a mathematics teacher, That’s my job. hehe! And my present calling is being a preacher of God.

Because a perfect father is a role model in his own house. He must possess various positive qualities. Remember, no one is perfect because we're just random person, but everyone has room for growth and improvement. However, striving to become these qualities can help create a strong, loving, and supportive family environment. With God-fearing and love towards neighbors.

A perfect father and husband has love and affection, patience, understanding, is supportive, is responsible, well educated, compassionate and humorous.

A perfect father and husband possesses a combination of various positive qualities that contribute to a strong, loving, and supportive family environment.







A very inspiring story❤️ may the Lord continue to bless you and your family🙏 you deserve all the goodness in the world. Thank you for sharing your life to us❤️

You're already upholding a perfect father sir! Kudos in advance to your future wife. Hehehe

may unta mam hahaha

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