My "Cadetship" Journey: A Journey To My Unfulfilled Dreams

in Hive PH27 days ago

My "Cadetship" Journey: A Journey To My Unfulfilled Dreams

Hello Hive Fam, welcome to the part two of my blog, apologies for taking too long to upload this part 2 of my blog since lately was tough, I have to catch deadlines and burn brows to pass my finals exam. Today I will be sharing to you my Cadetship Journey and how it turns out. You can read the part one of this blog via this link, to know my whole journey.

I didn't come to Manila for leisure, I've been there to follow my dreams. It was fresh in my mind, when the Philippine National Police Academy texted me to proceed in Marikina, specifically at Parang Elementary School. On my previous blog I have told you about me, passing the entrance exam of the Philippine National Police Academy. After my breakfast at Jollibee, I then proceed to terminal 3 of Ninoy Aquino International Airport, and there I waited for my fellow aspirants for us to be taken by the PNP bus going to Marikina.

It was the phase 2 of the selection process of the PNPA, and for us to be part of the long maroon line we have to pass 4 phases of mental, medical and agility examinations. Inside the bus we have gone through Pasay City, Taguig City, Makati City, and of course Marikina City, it was mesmerizing to see such high rising skyscrapers and skyway. Shorty, we have arrived at our destination. We stayed at the camp for almost a week, shortly after our arrival we were swab tested, and thanks God I was negative.

Inside, I meet new friends and new faces, each carrying their determination to become a part of PNPA. Some came from Baguio City, others at Tarlac City, Davao City, Mati City, and other parts of the Philippines. We have shared our life stories, and one thing that we have in common is that we wanted to help our family and we wanted to serve God and our country. What a noble aspiration isn't it? I will not be giving you the detail of everything, because if I do so I wouldn't be able to publish this blog, HAHAH.

Early in the morning it was the start of the Physical Agility Test, the day before that I was rooming around the vicinity when I saw a pull up bar and there I tried to pull up without stretching. As I wake up in the morning to get ready for the agility test I wasn't able to move my arms. I was so disappointed with myself, I then proceed to the nearest canteen to buy some pain reliever. It was 7 A.M. in the morning, and the start of the agility test was 8 A.M., I was so worried if I could make it, I cant even have 5 push ups.

At 8 A.M., the first part of the agility test was the 3 kilometer run, I nailed at the run and it was a good sign for me. It was indeed a miracle that I was able to rank high in the run despite my body aches. The second part is the pull ups, then sit ups, and lastly the push ups. Overall I scored roughly 93% in my Physical Agility Test, and it was evaluated as Passed.

The next day we had our Neuro Psychiatric Exam, it was a two way exam where in there's a written exam and an oral interview. The next day is the medical exam at the same time the results for the NPE, I have some compliance with my dental health and I had to have my wisdom tooth extracted. When the results of NOE were announced, I wasn't able to hear my name being called. It was so frustrating, I just don't know the feeling.

I felt so down during that time. I don't know how will I tell my parents that I will not be able to proceed to the final phase of the selection process. I was so disappointed with myself during that time. We were then asked to proceed to Parang High School, still in Marikina to wait for our flight details. It's time to go home, but this time it's not good to go home without something to brought, even good news. I called my mom, and told her everything. You know what my mom said? "That's okay son, it's no yet your time, you're still young. There's always room for improvement, don't blame yourself, we all have our own time, in God's will, and that's all okay."

Those words from her gave me comfort, but still it took years for me to cope up with those failure, every time I remember those things, I can't push back my tears. Even typing this blog, I still have teary eyes, but I just comforted and told myself, that not everything I planned should come true, it's always His will, and He will make it happen when the time is right.

That's all for today Hive Fam, I hope I inspired you to not give up in life despite the failures we encountered. Instead we should use these failures to construct our wings to fly even higher the next time we tried to catch our dreams in life.

I'm so sorry for the minimal pictures, we weren't allowed to use smart phones inside the training camp.
Have a nice day Hive Fam!😍


It was a long journey, Bran, but the experiences you've had are forever irreplaceable. You've already come so far; we're proud of you! 👏

Thank you @jeannmazing, it was indeed full of learnings and unforgettable experiences, it really had shaped my being.❤️✨

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Thank you @hivebuzz, for this.❤️✨

Keep up the fantastic work @brandonwrites! Your dedication and hard work will pay off when you reach your target.

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Congratulations Sir @brandonwrites and I admired your determination and perseverance for your dreams in life. Never give up when there are times that you stumbled. Just stand back and continue moving forward. God bless

Thank you maam @diamondinthesky, we really have to be strong for our dreams despite many setbacks.

Congratulations! Rooting for you! It may be a long long journey but in the end, it was always worth it! God bless you and your future ahead.

Congrats and Goodluck to your journey!