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RE: Attending a Young Professional Event: Your Turning Point to Financial Freedom

in Hive PH27 days ago

Financial dependency is something that has to be controlled by most of us. I particularly like the slide on what money can't buy. Oh btw your right it's hard to spot you in last photo but I think I found you on left side 2nd row, hehe! Good to see you here again!


Indeed. Some jobs sucks and prices are driving high. Anyway, did you zoom the photo? I can't even find myself clearly hahahah. I'm happy to be back here again, our summer break will start this June. 😊

Anyway, did you zoom the photo? I can't even find myself clearly hahahah.

😂 I did but I'm not 100% sure. I think it's just your face shown in picture. Found your classmates and assumed you would be near them. Am I correct? Hehe

Yes, I was with my classmate. You're right 😂