Experience the Thrills of CvSU's University Games and Take a Memorable Coffee Farm Journey

in Hive PHlast year

It has been a while since I went to the main branch of our university which is located at Indang, Cavite. The sole purpose of my visit was because of the upcoming U-Games. It happened once a year and it was because the memorandum that was passed down to all branches said that it was required to participate in the parade. I already foresaw how a large number of students would come to Indang. And I wasn’t mistaken at all. There were a huge number of students heading to the university and it caused a long queue before you can ride a jeep.

The long queue at Trece terminal.

In recent days, the rain poured down heavily and I was grateful that yesterday, the weather was fine. Although it was hot, it was way better than rain. When I got there in Indang, it wasn’t surprising that many students were coming in and lots of vehicles were on the road that cause traffic. I wasn’t with any of my classmates and I’ve been stuck with my friends from the other section. Our first goal was to find our professors, took a groupie, and sent it to group chats which will serve as our attendance.

One of the gates in CvSU - Indang.

CvSU Oval where some of the games including volleyball held.

We headed to the oval where several sports will be held such as volleyball, baseball, and marathon. I had a classmate who was a volleyball player so it was kind of rude if I wouldn’t watch his play. The game has begun with an intense cheer that echoed throughout the benches. Every time a certain team scores; a loud cheer will follow.

A heavy rain poured and it was not good.

In the middle of the game, heavy rain poured down and made the game stop for a while. It was strong and it took around 20 minutes to stop. I thought the game will not be resumed because the floor was wet and it was slippery. Players might be in danger which can cause numerous accidents. They cleaned and drained the floor so it will be safe to use. You could tell how eager the students want to watch the volleyball and wait for their campus to win.

The Agri-Eco Tourism Park front part.

Some of the random shots as I walked.

During the game, we decided to leave the place and strolled around the campus. We then found the Research, Development & Extension Center project which was a coffee farm or Agri-Eco Tourism Park. Before we entered the place, you could see a Japanese-like gate that is commonly seen in anime. While I was walking and observing the place, it was colder than any place on the campus. It was because it was surrounded by a large number of several types of trees.

A green coffee and will take time to be ripen.

I just noticed that there were plenty of huge black ants, I am not sure if it’s a type of carpenter ants. I am not scared of them, but I avoid them on the ground. In all honesty, it was my first time seeing coffee trees because it was not common around my place. You couldn’t count how many coffee trees there were, but I enjoyed the sightseeing. There’s nothing much there aside from coffee trees, hybrid plants, and several uncommon plants.

I took this shot when I was in the middle of my walk.

The bee hive and they were so cute.

As I continued my walk, I found a bee hive which was a project of CvSU back then. They were stingless bees or also called Tetragonula biroi. I didn’t go near its nests because I’m still scared although it was harmless. That’s why I didn’t have any good photos of the bees, but they were a lot. I wanted to touch the bees but no staff will assist us since we were just passing by.


The raintree that gives cool air and vibe.

There was a huge raintree before we exited the place. Some of my friends told me that it was their first time to see one and I was just curious if it's quite rare. I think it wasn’t pretty common given that our place wasn’t filled with many varieties of trees. What I loved about the rain tree was it gave a cool and refreshing ambiance. Just by being near it, you can feel an extra cold.

Just a photo of mine standing at muddy path.

What I like about visiting the place is it gives a sense of comfort and you can feel being reconnected with mother nature. There is a particular tree in the middle of our walk that caught my eye. It was so perfect to sit down in its roots and just rest in its shadows. You will not feel any heat, and we stayed there for a couple of minutes. We talked about how adoring the tree was and what if we had the same tree on our campus as well. How I wish!

I’m just happy that CvSU still value trees and continues to preserve them as much as they can. Thus, I noticed that if there were trees that could hinder a certain path, they didn’t cut it down. They just let the tree there and let the people walking from it adjust. It was the first day of my experience at CvSU U-Games and there were plenty of games to be played and watched.


The place is peaceful just by looking at it. The environment of CVSU Indang is perfect for stressed students, lol hahaha.

Kidding aside, I can't imagine how vast CVSU Indang is. I hope I can also visit there soon

 last year  

haha, ya. i bet cvsu students are quite lucky to have that kind of environment. visit here as well! eyy!

Weeww. I see that you are having a great walk there, Den. I so love your University. Yes to more beautiful moments like this and I suddenly miss college life, heheh.

 last year  

Yes ate @pinkchic. it was a nice walk and i just enjoyed it, really. college life is the best and stressful at the same time, haha

With the photo displays, it shows that you had fun 🙌.

The coffee fruit looks so familiar. Maybe I need to go and check back the trees and plants I had seen somewhere to know if it's coffee...cos I haven't seen a coffee plant. Lolz

 last year  

coffee trees are quite uncommon to see since they don't grow in any environment.

That's very true

😮😮😮 my cousin goes to that uni-
She never told me there was a coffee farm there though and a research area for the coffee grown there, so cool!

 last year  

really? omg!!! but now that u know, it's amazing, really. so many coffees.

Makes me want to visit 🥹 but my schedule is so jam packed right now

Kapogi naman ng aking pamangkin! Hahahaha 😍 So nice to see your mini tour around the campus. Kakamiss tuloy maging college student 🤣

 last year  

eyy! thank u tita. i featured the university many times already but this is my first time entering the coffee farm. haha.

As a coffee lover I have missed a moment there at the coffee shop. The environment is so good ad peaceful feels like you are living with nature talaga 🥺

I love the ambiance of this school! So refreshing.

Reading your blog brings me to my old memories of attending our intramurals as well. Great to hear you had fun!

It was an awesome day for you and it seems you enjoyed the day a lot. I would enjoy it there also if I were there. I am curious to know about the result of the volleyball match.
The environment we surrounded by greeny plants and traveling there can give a good vibes.

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