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RE: To Loose Hope or Not "Bagyong Paeng"

in Hive PH2 years ago

Keep hope alive my dear, we re experience same here in Nigeria.... flooding everywhere especially the Southern part of the country tho I'm no affected directly but I know how terrible it has been for them

Be strong and very courageous
Stand strong for your kids and husband no matter what, this too will pass...and becomes a memory
*Smile 😊


@eminentsam48 your message are making me cry my dear friend but I always hold back my tears so my kids won't see how hard it is. thank you so much I'll promise to be more stronger my friend God bless you always ☺️'s wonderful to's just a phase of life...this too will pass Happy days ahead for sure,...don't allow it to occupy your thoughts, just wave it aside and smile 😊😁