 2 months ago  

It might be but not really sure what is the trend or how thing goes parin within the market. Adam might have more insights to such since he is the trader and go-to type guy din that I always ask.

Okay, thank you for taking the time to answer my query. I wanted to buy and sell this platform too if I can save more HBD. Hahaha, I think it would be 3 years from now. By God's will.

 2 months ago  

You can still do that, we have the #trading in our channel, you can check the price and see if you can bargain with users around. Some do this route instead of cashing out on their own using some apps ( binance ) since there are fees involved. P2P parin is the way to go to save such.

Okay. I will try soon. Since I already achieved my desired 23 HBD. maybe I can trade the excess HBD soon. 😂 I'm looking forward. Thank you.