Believe in yourself consistency and hardwork is a key to success

in Hive PH8 months ago

Hi, hello Hivers! it's me again I thank you all for all the good and great feedback I've received from my first blog. Last time, I shared about my personal information and now I will share to all about my business. I think someone was wondering if it is true?Well, I will tell my business success let's go☺️


March 16, 2020 a deadly virus hit the Philippines which we called Covid-19 virus. Due to virus everyone was requested to keep staying at home no one is excempted. For us to keep on living our family member who had worked need to still work so, if they choose to work they will afar from their love ones then they need to had a social distancing, wear of facemask and faceshield. That was the time we're many people suffered.Many died because of that deadly ill.

As a student, I worried those times and said what about my study I had many goals and dreams in my life. I dreamed of becoming a successful business woman someday. Because I love doing business since I was a child. Selling candies, chichira and anything. Sometimes I selled it into our classroom.

During pandemic I selled munchkin and pastillas to our place. And a miracle happened my father meet her friend namely ate Alma they talked about the new learning which needs a load for almost everyday. She said what about if your daughter sell a load for you to help instead of buying to other store you can just buy in your own then you can selled it too. So you have an income and you can save. My father was interested so he told her to call me for the opportunity.

I didn't know everything about it but I was wondering why I gratefully said yes I will try it deep inside I doubt but half of my heart said you can do it.

The day that I formally have my eloading business was May 17,2021 I started as a retailer. I never thought that it could change my life and it helps me a lot. My first week income I gained 100 pesos,little by little I gained almost 600 to 700 pesos. This is the photo of entering the networking business. Our business is called TPC(Telepreneur Corp).



I enjoyed what I did at the same time I can save my money and I can earn it helps me to provide my needs and the needs of my family. Because of my little business what I wanted I can take it all and I was feeds with full of happiness. Honestly,my cellphone now is one of the remembrance that my business brought and gave to me.I had my picture when I bought my cellphone but the picture was in my last cellphone and badly it was damaged and I cannot open.


February 21, 2022 I upgraded into a dealer since my coach told me to upgrade for me to have a high income. For the second time, I try and those time was the time that I never regret.Consistency and hardwork is a key to success.

Right now, I still selling my little business which is the loading business and I will never ashame to tell the whole world that yes "Nagtitinda po ako ng load". I'm proud of myself that even if I'm still studying I already have my little business. "Sometimes a successful one is a business man/woman". Thank you and be with me on my next blog. Have an awesome day everyone🥰



I love how smart and responsible you are at a very young age. There is definitely nothing to be ashame of. Rather you should be proud. I hope you still manage to enjoy time with your family, friends, and other hobbies apart from your time in studying and business. Anyways, keep up the good job!

Thank you ma'am,Yes I alwayhave time with my family, friends and some hobbies🥰

that's what sets people apart-thise who are willing to go the extra mile to get where they wanted and those who just whine over the whole thing!giod job mate!

Yes that's right. We need to grad the opportunity given♥️

Welcome to hive @genyrose ! At your very young age you've been a great help to your parents. Keep it up!

Thank you so much Miss hope you still stunning in my next,next blog☺️

 8 months ago  

You’re smart! And there’s nothing to be ashamed of it! Young people like you who are responsible and have a knack in business are only a few. Good job!

Oh!Thank you for that wonderful words😊

Wow... I am a dealer of TPC also, this is a great business for us, makatipid judtas atong load wether to sale or self load..

Indeed, a great opportunity for us. We just keep it up.Hello🖐️

Hi.. Yes it is as long we keep on the track.

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Thankyou 🥰♥️

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You are a very strong woman . I believe it will be successful. I salute you with respect

We need to be strong and independent to become a successful in the future.💖

Of course, I agree with you completely.

Welcome to hive beautiful lady ❤️😘 I salute you for being such a great girl indeed. God bless you and may achieve all your dreams soon 🥰

Thank you for welcoming me very well ma'am and believing in my capability. See you soon💝

Wow. You are an admirable student. It is rare to have a positive mentality of doing successful business while schooling. You are a potential business tycoon. Just keep it up to succeed.

We need to be practical especially this time it is very hard. Financial problem is the worst problem among all so, we need to find some solution. Hi! See you around God bless ☺️♥️

So proud of you! you're responsible and smart.

Thank you, thank you for trusting my capabilities. I hope someday everyone of us will succeed 🤍🤍

Weldone dear you're doing well, I see you going places sis.

A very warm thank you Ma'am. See you soonest💚💚