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RE: It's World's Mi Amor Day.

in Hive PHlast month

Everything is checked and you are one of the lucky men out there brother. Looking at Mama's smile in the picture always made me admire you because behind those smile, there is a man who cherish his blessings from God.

I pray you guys continue to grow in happiness, love, wealth, good health and everything you desire. Happy birthday to her, love you all.


Amen! Thank you so much my sweet and wonderful brother. You have always been a blessing to me and I appreciate your words even more. God bless you.

You make me blush whenever you say this sir and I admire you a lot. I trust the birthday celebration was great and everyone had fun, most especially Miss Dara.

I say a big amen to your prayers and happy Easter to you.

Thank you so much brother and yes, you are an amazing and impressive human. Glad we met. Happy Easter to you, my brother.

Happy Easter to you, sir. May the joy of the season abide with you and your family.

My regards to Dara and Mom.