Join Us! Hive PH Christmas & New Year Party On December 20 & 27 8PM

in Hive PH8 months ago


You are all invited to Hive PH's Christmas And Year End Party!

As previously mentioned in this post, we will be having a 2-day party!

And we have the final dates!

Day 1: December 20 Wed 8PM

Talent Show
Mini Raffle

Day 2: December 27 Wed 8PM

Exchange gift
Talent Show winners announcement

This is happening on the Hive PH discord server so make sure to join us there. You can scan the QR code on the invitation image or click on the banner at the bottom of this post or you can join in this link.


Talent Show

We'll have a talent show once again!

Last year, we've seen a lot of talented individuals in the Hive PH community! This year, we will be counting for your entries again and more people showing off what they got!

Any talent will do (sing, dance, art, acting, playing music, magic tricks, acrobats, etc), as long as you follow the mechanics.


It's still the same mechanics as previously mentioned, but we'll be mentioning it here again for clarity. And tweak some mechanics too.

  1. Must be related to Christmas.
  2. 1 to 5 mins in video length.
  3. Deadline for submission will be on or before December 15, 2023.
  4. Upload the file to your google drive and message the Hive PH staff for download.
    Likewise, you can leave a comment in this post indicating you have an entry and you'll get a message from a Hive PH staff - do not put the link of your entry on the comments so other people won't see your entry. We will compile the entry and put it under one video.
    If you don't have google drive, please upload your video in this folder: and make sure to inform Hive PH staff for your video to be downloaded and deleted in the drive.
  5. Winners will be decided via community vote from comments. The official winner will be announced on the second day.


Exchange Gift

The party won't be complete without gifts! It's not required to join but we would greatly appreciate if you would! Anyways, this is for fun and you know they say, spirit of giving and receiving.


  1. A separate channel on Discord will be open for those interested. The channel is called xchange-gift. If you cannot access it, leave a message in #general channel or tag a Hive PH staff.
  2. Participants who have their names listed will be paired with another participant randomly (selected via wheel of names). A Hive PH staff will message you for the person you'll be giving your gift to.
  3. There's a wish-list channel on Discord for you to list your specific wants. Be reasonable when it comes to the value that you're asking for. There's no minimum and no maximum amount.
  4. Deadline for listing your name is extended to December 7.


The games and raffle prizes will be announced during the party! So make sure to free up your schedule on the 2 dates of December to join and show up on time!

If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask in the comments or in the discord server.

Click on the banner to join the Hive PH discord server. Special thanks to sensiblecast for this awesome images.


Very excited for this..yay😃🤗

We are too! If you can invite your friends, then we'll all have fun! Don't forget to join the exchange gifts and talent show too!

 8 months ago  

Paparty o paparty? Sympre PAPARTY!


good luck sa lahat, sana di ko malimot ang date nato like I always do, challengo ko pan ang mahinang signal sa bahay dahil patay ang dito tower sa malapit.

I hope you will be able to join!

Post manually reviewed. 😊

Yay! 🤗
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Nakapagpasa na po ako ng entry for talent show. Sana umabot pa po. Hehe

Lotrimin should make NFTs
They are good at making things non-fungible.

Credit: theabsolute
@hiveph, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of deythedevil
