Noise, Mess & Marites

in Hive PH24 days ago

I believe everyone has annoyances. It can be anything and it varies from person to person. Some react better (they have higher tolerance), and others have very low it they snap the second they face things that irritate them. Mine is pretty normal, depending on my mood and the circumstances. There are three things, however, that annoy me to a great degree no matter the situation - noise, mess, and nosy people.


I love my peace and quiet. It irks me to get disturbed by any unnatural noise to an extent I can no longer bear. It drains me out. There was a time when even the slightest sound made me want to scream I had to visit the doctor thinking there was something wrong with me. It turned out that I was just fed up. There is so much going on around us so adding noise would make me lose my sanity.

That was one of the reasons we moved to a more secluded place, away from cars honking, dogs barking now and then, loud music, and motorbikes with loud pipes blasting along the road (some common disturbances at the other house).


A few years ago, the neighbor up the hill loved blasting his music as early as 5:30 in the morning and although they are several hundred yards away from our house, the sound echoes since we are on a mountainside. There was not a day I woke up feeling annoyed because of it. Thankfully, after doing so for a few weeks (and when I was just about to reach my boiling point and talk to his wife to request they tune down their speakers), he eventually stopped.

Noise (or the absence of it) is also one of the factors we consider in finding a place to eat (restaurants), when sleeping out (hotels), or when spending time outdoors.


I hate mess (in the real sense of the word), especially inside my home. It's one that I can't live with, even for a day. I get so restless. I like my kitchen sink clear, my dining table free from crumbs, my bedroom neat.😅 It is good that the hubby understands this and tries his best to meet me halfway.

[Robert Bye]


It is natural to be curious but it isn't nice when we go overboard and stick our noses into other people's affairs. I see it as a form of disrespect (not only to others but to oneself). It's disgusting even more when we talk too much about others after prying into their lives.

[Carsten Carlsson]

For me, it is best to distance myself from such a person, even if it means losing a friendship. I observed that people who do that usually do not accomplish anything and their mindset tends to be judgmental. Being nosy seems to make them feel productive when they are just wasting their time with idle chatter.

In the country, we call such persons "Marites," a slang term (name) pertaining to women who enjoy gossiping and talking about rumors. Well, men also engage in such an activity and it's utterly annoying too, lol!

I think there is an ounce of Marites in each of us, some are just naturally good and successful in subduing it and utilizing their time, energy, and attention into much better things. Congratulations if you're among them.

Challenged about what topic to write daily? Check out the daily MayInLeo topics via leogrowth account for ideas. This is my approach to one of today's subjects (Pet Peeves).

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Ah same here! I could relate! Remembered at work some of my department team was noisy, like talking sometimes topics that are not related to work.

Depends on my mood, I would just sometimes put on my earphones.
If I am mad would tell them that they are indeed noisy!.

Even call the attention one of them when I heard gossiping about medical issues of our department head..I was like, don't care kahit pioneer ka.,.lol
Masungit talaga ako in real life

Haha, meron talagang ganon. Ok din magtaray in real life, lalo kung nakakairita na sila hehe. Pangit din kasi yung tahimik ka lang, ikaw ang lugi ba

For me, noise is definitely at the top of the list. It can be soo disruptive, can't focus on the task at hand and my mood changes unpleasantly. Some people are really inconsiderate about how their actions affect people that are around them!

I hear you. And once the mood is ruined, it can be difficult to concentrate. Some people can filter out noise but not us.

Yes, filtering out the noise doesn't work either, unless you move out of the proximity of it.

To be honest The noise and mess can be a real bother, so sorry about that dearest, but it looks like you're handling it like a champ. Keep up the good work, and don't let those pesky distractions get you down ok

They can get to me at times but yeah, not letting them pin me down. Thanks for the words :)

You're most welcome dearest

I so much dislike noise. I’m that kind of person who loves to listen to music but I always make sure that it is not too loud in the sense that it will turn to noise

Yeah, loud music isn't music, it's noise. 😊


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Ay sinabi mo. Hayblad ako sa ingay since 2021 to early 2023. I experienced hating noise all of a sudden, but unlike you I didn't start thinking if there was something wrong with me until after 2022. Nagkaroon tlga kami ng away ng kapitbahay dahil jan na pinost ko pa dito sa Hive. Pati abt noise pollution dito sa Pinas nakasulat din ako ng mga post sa inis ko sa mga maiingay. Hahaha.

I'm thinking maybe due to getting older we eventually develop sensitivity to noise. Kasi my sibling also doesn't like noise and mas matanda naman sya sa akin. Dati di nmn siya ganun ang alam ko. And then ako rin naging ganun din bigla when di naman ako gnun during my 20s. But of course di ko pa nacheck kung gnun nga tlga pati sa ibang tao. haha.

Mabuti di mo na-reach boiling point m nung nasa secluded area na kayo, ako kasi nasagad tlga. Dahil sa ingay ng iba sobrang nadevelop ung matinding galit ko sa kapwa. Buti na lang nahinto ko eventually at nagbagong buhay na. 😆 Kaya wala tlgang madudulot na maganda ang noise pollution eh.

I also hate noise and mess and I always try to avoid those as much as possible. But in the case of nosy people, I just want to see how far they can go because they revel their weaknesses and I am ready to find their weaknesses.

Haha, sounds like you find fun in letting people pry so you can discover their weaknesses😅

I pay close attention because I don't know when I need their weakness to use against them especially when try to do something against me. It's for my safety🤣 otherwise I am not a bad man.!LOL

That's wicked🤣

Being an introvert, I can relate to this. I love quiet and peaceful place.

Yeah, we introvert love our peace :)


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neighbor up the hill loved blasting his music as early as 5:30 in the morning. There was not a day I woke up feeling annoyed because of it.

Same po. My husband will always use this strategy for me since I'm not a morning person, he will use his sound system to wake me up, yong gising mo may kasamang inis, but my husband was very happy that he accomplished his mission. 😅

Haha, grabe din hubby mo ha. Kainis yung gisingin ka sa lakas ng sound system.


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Hahaha, yeah.. buti na lang hindi palagi.😅

These are all enough to make one irritated, personally I wouldn't want to live in a noisy area and I can't understand why people constitute themselves into nuisances everywhere.

Some people can stand noise and loudness. Maybe they have gotten used to it.


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It's a good thing that you have some level of tolerance. I don't like mess either.

Why do some Pinoys love playing loud music and videokes? It's very annoying. Also Pinoys who make calls or watch videos in their phones at full volume in the train or bus. Cheap lang naman ang headsets 😅

Another bad habit of us is littering. We throw candy wrappers, cigarette butts and plastic softdrinks/coffee cups on the streets or wherever except the trash cans.

Sometimes I always believed that there are some friendship one should even let go because of ones mental health