Highlights of my 2023

in Hive PH5 months ago
Hello, Hivers! I'm back again with a new blog. I know I'm late with this trend, but I still want to share with you the highlights of my 2023 that many of you will surely relate to. Let's now dive into my 2023 life...


Back to Usual
Yes, last year, we had a full ride of meeting friends, battling the traffic, constant coffee, soar eyes (due to late-night studies), and a whole year of being back to normal. After so many years of remote learning, last year was finally a whole year of personally meeting our professors and taking random exams and quizzes.
For me, it was a transition; for so many years, I've gotten used to the mask, the occasional interaction with other people (I'm an introvert, so I sometimes would like to sit around in the house), and taking exams on my phone or laptop. But, I am beyond grateful that finally we are slowly returning to usual, and hopefully, this year, I will finally be wearing a toga for my graduation(fingers crossed) since, unfortunately, the last toga I wore was in my elementary graduation. 😅




Rekindled Friendship
Last year, we had our 3rd reunion with my elementary classmate, and let's say it's been a bridge that connected us once again. My elementary friends are also my childhood friends; they have been with me since I could walk (since our street was pretty small and everyone knew everyone) and my companions since I can remember. Life has been busy lately, and we have our own responsibilities to deal with, so we had no time to bond and hang out. Thankfully, last year, the drift that was created was severed, and we have now become close friends again. Misunderstanding has been clarified and we have matured for the better. Our topics will revolve around what we're going to do in the future and just being anxious about life. During our hangouts, we talk about deep things and reflect on random stuff.

Broken Heart
I am a person who has never had a magical moment with someone or the feeling of belongingness to another person aside from one's family (I have been a no-boyfriend since birth gal). Last year, I was trying to feel that moment, and let's say it failed miserably. I'm a person who always has a plan, and I thought that last year would also be my year of finding love (yiyks) 🤣. Anyway, change is inevitable, and plans can be adjusted, so yeah, let's move on. Maybe love should not be sought out but rather find you in the least time you expect. Hopefully, I will have that someday (hahaha).



I continued to be part of an amazing organization that aids with the needs of Filipino citizens. I am a member of Angat Kabataan-Cebu, a non-profit organization, and have been since the start of the organization. Unfortunately, lately, I have been too busy with my studies to entertain other stuff, although I can say that if our free time aligns, I will gladly volunteer again. (I have only participated in a few events this year and have become a passive member.) Since this semester is reaching its end (and I will not be dealing with my thesis anymore), I hope to be back on track to support the organization and help the country.





My Sisters Graduation
My sister hit another milestone last year; she graduated with Latin Honor, bagging a medal for MagnaCumlaude in her honorable school. We saw her walk up the stage with two of my sisters in tow to accompany her in getting her award. It was such a memorable scene; I have seen her struggles throughout college, and finally, seeing her accomplish her dream is such a memory to behold. It was raining hard on her graduation, but it did not stop the smiles creeping into the faces of the proud families, witnessing their children and loved ones turning a new page in their lives. My mom, for one, was overjoyed with the event. After my sister got her medal, she went directly to my mom to give her the award; it was a tear-jerking scene. After the ceremony, we had our little celebration.




Facing Fear
Last year was a roller coaster of emotion; I am currently a fourth-year student, so the pressure of graduating on time is taking a toll on my physical and mental health (all of us per se). I always fear the spotlight; I would rather sit silently in class than be at the attention of my professors. Last year, I conquered my fear and took on academic responsibilities that would surely challenge my introverted self. I am still constantly battling this conquest of living outside my comfort zone, but so far, although there are times I feel disheartened, most of the time, I am satisfied with the challenge.



photos are not mine

Being part of the Hive Community
I ended the year with an unexpected encounter with Hive and engaging in a platform where I can be myself without hurting anybody (Elsa yarn😅).

The camaraderie that is evident in the community; I fell in love with writing even before; I love composing words and making out stories. I am amazed by how people can beautifully arrange words into an intricate telling of events. To have the chance to read the tales of other people who I have never met but are as friendly as ever and to find common things we relate to. Entering Hive was never a plan but rather a chance given to me by the almighty.





My 2023 Christmas and New Year(2024)
Just like every year, we celebrated Christmas and New Year in my hometown with my family, surrounded by our relatives and loved ones. We had a color theme, which is white, on Christmas, and just a random dress for the New Year. Following traditions, we always welcome Christmas and New Year at midnight and sit around with our traditional "mango float" on the plate. We talked about how fast the year went by and all the happenings we had.

And to end this blog, 2023 is indeed a year full of surprises. A lot of memories, good and bad, have been created. We had triumphs and hardships, and now we are at the start of another wonderful year.

Beige Brown Aesthetic Autumn Vibe Inspiration Photo Collage.png

Thank you for reading my 2023 highlights; hope we found things in common here hahaha. Anyway, see you again in my next blog.

Adios... (Bye)


Happy to have you in the platform

Thank you so much sir @intoy.bugoy for being so accommodating. Welcoming our questions with gentleness so as not to make us get intimidated. I am also grateful to be in this platform, and meeting you guys, hehhehe😅

looks like a very productive 2023!

Hello @scion02b, Yes. While writing this blog, I realized it was a productive year. A lot of things happened that molded me into who I am now. Thanks to who I was before, I am who I am now. 🤗

I am glad you saw Hive has a good chance, and I'll love to see more of your posts.

2023 was a lot, and I do hope you find love soon because you deserve it. You are amazing.

You and your sisters look great! And I like the way you all care for yourselves.

The pictures taken are so great. Thanks for sharing ☺️.

Hi @balikis95. Thank you for all the compliments heheheh❤️ (I just love how people cheer other people, it's always nice to spread positivity). Anyway, hopefully, I'll be posting a lot this year since I love sharing simple things in this community, so please do look forward to that. 2023 was indeed a wonderful year, let us just hope our 2024 will also be a productive one. 😅

You are welcome 😁. Yes, it is nice to spread positivity like a jam on bread. Hehe.

That's very nice. Hehe, I look forward to your writing.

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Thank you @hivebuzz. Your post motivates me to write more blogs in the future. 😍

That's wonderful to hear, @jenny0113! We're thrilled to know that our badges are motivating you. Keep up the great work and we look forward to celebrating your next achievement!

Woww, a memorable year!

Hello @douceink, Yes, it was indeed a memorable one. Hopefully, this year will also be a memorable one. hehhe😅

I can relate with your struggles as an introverted person who is coming out of their comfort zone and explore the world with an utmost fears. But yeah, fears only stays in the beginning but if you get the gist of it, you'll see why other people enjoy doing such stuff and you'll love it yourself. Continue conquering your fears. I hope 2024 will be good for all of us!

hello @ayane-chan, I'm Glad to find people who are also introverts here in the community. Yeah, being an introvert, even simple things can be a huge challenge for us. I for once, dreaded ordering in fast-food before but thankfully, I got over it. hahhaha😅

2023 was a rollercoaster ride, yet, a memorable year. It was nice reading your blog ate, see you around!💕

Hello @rainebow0407. I hope to see you around here as well 😊. Let's have a memorable 2024 to post next year hahhaha 🤣

You did a very good job in the year 2023, and you have many memorable events just like the traffic events🤣Haha.

Hahhaha Yeah, traffic will always be my nemesis🤣. untitled.gif
