Travelling Breakthroughs

in Hive PH8 months ago

Avong Nen Romy



My Classmates

We went at Avong Nen Romy for our school activities and it was a great experience because learning about new things is the way for us to incorporate our learnings to our life. To face a future of rapid technological change, we'll need to accept continuous learning as the new normal. The future of education depends on incorporating continuous learning into our daily personal and professional life much more than we now do. Learning about things that interest us makes most of us happy, at least in the moment, as does spending time perfecting activities that we like. It goes to reason that making time for these activities in your personal life will improve your overall happiness. Continuous learning also allows us to continue pursuing our personal and professional development objectives, and the accomplishments along the way are a source of tremendous joy for many of us. It also helps us avoid boredom, which is another approach to improve our happiness.



Avong Nen Romy was a place to enhance shooting skills. This place offers archery, knife throwing, and airsoft. This is such an amazing place to visit because it is spacious. As a visitor I explored as much area as possible of this place. I tried their airsoft because I got curious on how to handle a gun and it was fun trying it.

As mentioned they also have knife throwing I did not enjoy it because I am not really good at handing a knife. The owner explained what are the benefits of enhancing your skills in throwing knife such as improving hand-eye coordination, knife throwing necessitates a high level of synchronization among the eyes, hands, and body.

Regular practice may enhance hand-eye coordination in a variety of activities, including sports, video games, and even ordinary jobs. Other benefits is that knife throwing takes a particular amount of strength and endurance in order to throw the knife properly and consistently. Over time, throwing knives can help build muscle and enhance overall fitness.

Throwing knives may be an effective technique to reduce stress and anxiety. The repeated motion of throwing, as well as the needed attention, might assist to cleanse the mind and relieve anxiety. It also improves attention and concentration, knife throwing demands a high level of focus and concentration to strike its goal. As we improve our knife throwing skills, we'll feel more confident in ourself. This may be advantageous in a variety of situations, including business and personal relationships.

I enjoyed archery the most because it is where I can enhance my concentration and focus. Archers must learn to block out distractions such as gusts of wind, background noise, and any fears they may have. This attention and capacity to concentrate on my technique and the goal for those few minutes may transfer over into my daily life, allowing me to apply tremendous concentration to activities and set aside fears. Archery also requires a lot of staying strength because it's all about precision rather than speed. To enhance my accuracy, I must learn it slowly and with patience.



As they say the more you read, the more things you will learn. The more you study, the further you'll travel. Thank you for reading my blog post and see you in my next blog.untitled.gif


What an interesting activity..keep it up

Thank you and surely will do my best