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RE: Annulment, A Lengthy Legal Battle in Town

in Hive PH2 months ago

I grew up Catholic so I am very familiar with the Annulment process. I was married in the church for my first marriage and got a civil divorce but didn't get the church annulment. I married the man who has been my husband for 23 years this year in a civil ceremony. His first marriage was a religious ceremony as well. So, I haven't been able to receive the sacraments in the Catholic church because according to them I am living in sin. This has always seemed odd to me. Since, in order to be legally married you need the marriage license which is issued by the government. My divorce from my first husband was very amicable. Truthfully we didn't have much over which to fight. It just didn't work. I hope your brother is able to disentangle himself. Sorry this has gone on so long. Why drag it out? Sometimes it just isn't meant to be and it's time to move on.


Sorry about your experience. Here, Catholic or not, annulment is the only option. The complexity of laws affects people's lives.

As for my brother, the wife already signed the papers and they are waiting for the court to take action. That's where things get stuck.

Thank you! I'm not too scarred. And my ex and I can be in a room together without wanting to hurt one another. So, there is that. Isn't it always the way with government holding things up. Hope the log jam clears and they can be done with it.