How God Tested me Today (April 5,2024)

in Hive PH3 months ago

Do you agree that everyday is a test for God? I do...but today was an extreme test...a test for my Patience.

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(image generated from Canva)

1st Test

Today is my daughter's contest day. She was chosen to represent their school for the Kindergarten Story Re-telling. I am happy that her teacher chose her but also worried that she might not be able to do it.

On Wednesday, April 3, I suggested that it is better for her teacher to come with us than leaving her alone with me... It's not that I can not help her but it's kids' instinct that whenever their parent is around, ther are so much protected and when they feel threatened or scared, they'd just run to us (parents) and cry.

And so it happened. The contest is closed door where the 7 judges and the child is the only one allowed to go inside. She was so scared that when her number was called, she cried so loud. I asked the judges if she could be the last one but when her second chance came, she didn't go again. I politely said sorry to them and we went inside the comfort room. She was still crying. While I was changing her clothes (she was wearing a black gown as her costume), I also just cried. Thinking about all the efforts done for her to participate. I also cried for forcing her to do it and not acknowledging her fears. I almost lost patience when I was asking her to go and tell her story.

Our school nurse gave my daughter a chocolate bar for her to stop cyring

2nd Test

After my daughters "supposedly contest", we then went to meet one of my Teachers who went to have a check up. I need her medical certificate to attach in her leave form for she wants to have a month-long leave. When she showed me her leave form, I was disappointed since the Doctor gave her the wrong dates and if she wants to correct it, she would have to wait till afternoon. I decided to go to our Division Office and tell them the situation for any suggestion but when I asked them, they told me that the date we must follow must be the date stated in the medical certificate. I called again the teacher and arrange her for another check up at my old workplace (Hospital). So me and my daughter went to meet her in the hospital, waited for the queue and asked the attending physician if she could adjust the date for her and so she did. After that, we made another trip to the Division Office. Good thing the teacher paid our fare.

while we were waiting for the teacher. This was taken inside Benguet General Hospital

3rd Test

It was already 3:30 when we finished our transaction at the Division Office. So after that, I told my daughter that we can go and have our late dinner. We went to La Trinidad Mcdo and ordered food. We included in our order the "Oreo Mcflurry". paid for it and waited till our number was called. When I saw our order, I went to take it but the Mcflurry was missing. I told the crew but he just said "It's not available" so I suggested that they might change it into Chocolate fudge Ice cream. They have me caramel fudge Ice cream. I didn't complained anymore about that...I just asked I I can het my change back since the Mcflurry costs 60+ pesos while the fudge sundae costs only 40+. Yep, Ure, they gave the change but I have to ask for it 2x. As we ate, I noticed that there was no sauce for our nuggets so again, I went back and asked for it. When we're about to eat the ice cream, again, no spoon for the dessert was provided so I went again and asked politely.


But even if all these things happened, I stayed polite to all the transactions I made...Which I think saved me from adding more problems. Like what if I scolded my daughter harshly, then maybe we ended up going home and not doing my other assigned tasks...Or what If I got mad at my teacher then I wouldn't be comfortable to go back to our school since we'd be having a gap...or what If I got mad at the crew, then I would be ruining both our days... I'd be mad eating and that'll make the day more stressful. Those are the scenarios I avoided just because I didn't loose my patience.

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So for my takeaway:

  1. No matter what your test is, always choose to respond with kindness, politeness and all the other good things. This will save you from any more additional damage.

Thank you for coming this far!
God bless!!!



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