Our unity makes us the winner: Part 2 of my last blog

in Hive PH8 months ago

Hellooo hiver's, its your melcakes again! this blog is the continuation of my last blog, so I will be sharing my experiences during the second day of our sports fest. If you read my last blog you will surely understand this blog. Keep reading and have a good time reading my hiver's!🤗.


This would be the second day and closing remarks of our sport fest. We continue the various sport during the second day since it is out of time during the first day. Recently the second day of our sport fest highlighted, the different teams faced-off for the championship. The section garnet of grade twelve basketball boys faced the grade eleven for the championship, if your wondering why is it just the section but not the whole players of grade twelve? well, it is a by section competition due to lots of player in every grade level and among the three section of grade twelve, the garnet secured the finals. Since we are also a grade twelve student, we gather inside the gym to give our thunderous cheer and support for them since they are also the pride of grade twelve.

As the game started everyone was aniticipating to witness the different skills, techniques and play of different teams. Grade twelve garnet only have nine players in thier team, while the other team are complete players. The game was profound as the both teams are in a strong build of defense and showcasing thier best to win the game.

In the middle of the game, two players from the enemy team has fouled out so both team are in absence of players. However that doesn't stop the game to be in profound and all that can be heared inside the gym is the reverberating voices of all students applauding and celebrating each players point. Each time the member of our squad attempts a free throw. Our teacher will yell "shoot, shoot,shoot!" and everyone of us will hold our hands and will yell "shoot!" that caused us to loss our voices after the game hahahahaha😂.

The grade twelve players played for thier advisers and for the pride of grade twelve. I saw thier determinations, hardship and resilience to win the game. I see how they communicate and lift up each other— a true unity comes out freely. But due to strong defense of the enemy our team loss the game but despite of thier loss they still remain positive. Still congrats to them, they bring pride to our grade level from the very start of the game.


(During the preperation of our sports memitec)

After the championship we performed our sports mimetic and looking back when we are still practicing, I was having a hard time since they are numerous and a hard headed person and the pressure was there since I was the one teaching them and we are aiming for an over all champion. Also everytime we have a practiced we are not complete, imagine, the adjustment we make just to make our performanced excellent . Everytime they are not cooperating, my faced would be like this 😡 . And some of them called me the little dragon since I have an average heigth hahahahaha 🤣.

We only have two weeks to practiced and we cant practiced the whole day during weekdays due to classes and tryouts of sports so our only choice is the weekend. We have no rest in two straigth weeks. In two weeks I dont have a proper rest, from school works, practice for sports mimetic, helping our representative to make a stepping in thier dance sports — to house chores which makes my week exhausting. Honestly I came to the point of surrendering but I did not because everyone is expecting me to step up. I always encourage them to not surrender not knowing I was on the verge of surrendering.


For the first time we are complete but during to our final performaced only hahahahah🤣. It was my first time that I didn't performed a dance in an event to our school, I wanted to but my body and time are not coopereting, and I feel sad as a dancer that I didn't have the opportunity to join them. I was just infront of them during thier performanced, looking at them with a wide smile on my face and encouraging them to not be nervous. Despite the lack of practice they didn't disappoint me— they show what they've got and they never failed me. Im proud of them and to my self because I made it, I didn't surrender, we didn't surrender and we figth together until the end of the event.


(look how happy our faces here)

I keep telling them congrats even if the emcee didn't announced the winner yet. I congratulate them for not surrendering despite the hardship we faced and I feel proud of us because we never leave each other in every difficulties that we faced, which makes our performanced worth it and Im contented with it.

We didn't win the sports mimetic but I didn't feel sad nor dissapointed. Is it wrog to feel like this?. Even after the result I was just happy for us because I see the unity and teamwork on us and for me—that makes us the winner. I know this wonderful experience will remain to our memory.

The closing program ended as they annouced the winners in every sports. We secured the second place in sports memitec, dance sports, and overall champion, we also secured the first place in volleyball girls, and badminton. But most of our players in other sports makes it to win the competition. Despite of everything that happened, we are still feel blessed because of this event we are able to see the unity and capabilities in each of us.


You already reach the end of my blog my hiver's.Thankyou for giving your time to read my blog, have a blessed day and see you on my next blog!🤗.

"Losing doesn't hurt as long as you take what you learnt from it and use that as your advantage."


You and your classmates still deserve an applause for making it through! I can resonate with the struggles of all the preparation and practice. I used to be a cheerleader so I know the responsibility that one shoulders. In the end, it is all about having fun and creating that strong bond between you and your classmates.

thankyou @indayclara 💗. We learn so much from what we expreience and we truly have fun.Have a blessed day.😌

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Congratulations @melcakes and to your group for winning some events❤️You did it!Unity and team work is really a key to success!❤️Thank you for sharing❤️

thankyou for the warm congratulations @lovinglymers .I truly agree that teamwork and unity leads us to win.💗