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RE: Working Beyond the Normal Call of Duty: Stunning Outcome

in Hive PH10 months ago

Thank you @themedwhowrites for your impression. Please allow me to add some inputs. The game is a combination of Dama, a board game, that existed many years already in the Philippines, and Mathematics. It was intended to make Mathematics subject interesting and easy to introduce to learners. In fact, I had one grade four pupil who had difficulty in Math, specifically the Four Fundamental Operations. He could not add simple one-digit number without using his fingers to get the answer. But, I have noticed that he had a kind of alertness in playing when no numbers were involved. So, I chose him to the player to compete in the District Level. I've noticed that he gradually developed the Mathematical skills that he could even compute the numbers mentally, without using his fingers. Then, surprisingly, he won!
One lesson that I can say here is, difficulty or mastery in Math primarily depends on the interest of the learner and the innovative and passionate strategies of the teachers. Once again, thank you for the interaction.