Splinterlands Wealth Wave: 15 Tactics to Ride to Riches!

in Hive PH4 months ago

Unlock the secrets to generating income within the enchanting world of Splinterlands, a blockchain-driven game where strategy and earnings go hand in hand. This guide is designed for gamers eager to convert their strategic victories into profitable gains, revealing the multitude of ways to enhance your financial outcomes. Engage in epic battles, align with powerful guilds, lease your cards, or conquer tournaments - Splinterlands offers diverse paths to wealth through gameplay. Aimed at those seeking to secure a lucrative passive income or capture significant victories, this introduction to monetizing your Splinterlands experience marks the beginning of your lucrative quest. Prepare to delve into how combining gaming finesse with savvy economic tactics can transform your virtual conquests into a fruitful endeavor.

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Winning battles remains a fundamental and widespread method of earning in Splinterlands. Currently, competing in the MODERN format is more lucrative for accumulating SPS compared to the WILD format. However, the MODERN format is also more challenging due to the competition against real players. On the other hand, the WILD format is less competitive, mainly because it's easier to defeat bots, but the drawback is that the rewards are smaller.


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Earning through staking is the second most popular method, where rewards are automatically staked upon claiming. In the game, staking SPS is essential for increasing reward multipliers. The more SPS you stake, the higher the rewards you can achieve. Currently, the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) stands at 14.95%.


Staking SPS automatically qualifies you to receive vouchers daily. Alternatively, holding a node license grants you 4 vouchers and SPS daily at no extra cost. These vouchers can be sold or exchanged for DEC, SPS, or HIVE, depending on your preference.


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Participating and securing victories in tournaments offers an opportunity to earn SPS. You have the option to enter multiple tournaments concurrently, provided you cover the entry fees and meet the necessary SPS and POWER requirements.


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At the end of each season, which spans about 14 days, you can claim the chests you've gathered. Playing in higher leagues enhances your prospects of obtaining legendary cards, gold foil cards, and SPS. Thus, the rewards become more substantial as you ascend through the leagues.


Joining a guild offers numerous benefits, including enhanced reward bonuses and opportunities to obtain Gladius cards. Additionally, guild membership allows participation in brawls, which yield SPS and MERITS. MERITS can be used to purchase Gladius cases, which are packs containing 5 random cards from the Gladius gladiator sets.


Offering your cards for rent in Splinterlands is a highly effective way to earn passive income, as it generates DEC. The DEC obtained from renting out your cards can be used to either buy more cards for additional renting opportunities or to sell them for profit. Additionally, renting allows players to explore new cards or strategies without the need to invest heavily upfront. In cases where the cost of purchasing a card is significantly high, opting to rent becomes a more financially savvy choice.


The prices of some cards can vary based on the current game meta or the abilities associated with a card. It's possible to take a chance by opening card packs with the hope of finding a valuable card.
Currently, reward cards are Soulbound, indicating that they cannot be sold until all the cards have been issued.


Currently, it's an opportune moment to stock up on packs, especially Chaos Legion, which is currently priced around $1. There are only 2,400,000 packs available, representing approximately 16% of the total supply. The most recent pack release is Rebellion, which is included in the modern format of the game. It's uncertain whether an increase in Splinterlands players might lead to a shortage of available packs, potentially resulting in a price surge.


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Earning in liquidity pools involves providing liquidity (usually in the form of cryptocurrency pairs) to a decentralized exchange (DEX) or other finance protocols that support liquidity pools. In in my own understanding there is two way to participate

Provide Liquidity: To participate, you typically need to deposit an equal value of two tokens (for example, HIVE and SPS) into a liquidity pool. By doing so, you're facilitating trades between those two assets on the platform.
Earn Trading Fees: When users trade between the assets you've provided liquidity for, the DEX charges them a trading fee. A portion of these fees is distributed among liquidity providers in proportion to their share in the pool. This is one of the primary ways to earn income from liquidity pools.


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Currently, purchasing a validator node license is affordable in the market, making it an attractive long-term investment opportunity. The value of these licenses may increase significantly during a bull market. Holders of a validator node license in Splinterlands are rewarded by the platform, receiving daily incentives of 4 vouchers and 18 SPS. This incentive system underscores the potential benefits of owning a validator node license in the Splinterlands ecosystem.


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Owning land in Splinterlands offers several benefits that enhance the gameplay experience and can potentially offer economic advantages to players. Here are some benefits.

Resource Production: Land plots in Splinterlands are capable of producing various in-game resources. These resources are essential for crafting items, summoning spells, or enhancing characters' abilities, making land ownership a strategic asset for advancing in the game.

Passive Income: By harvesting resources, renting out land, or engaging in other land-based activities, owners can generate passive income. This aspect turns land ownership into an investment, where the returns grow over time as the game expands and the demand for in-game resources increases.


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Currently, in the game, there is a market for delegating SPS, and in exchange for delegating your SPS for a week, you will receive DEC.


Creating tutorials and posting videos on PeakD represents another avenue for income, as there's always the possibility to earn Hive and HBD based on the number of votes your writings receive.


Earn a 5% commission on all future purchases of Card Packs and Summoner Spell Books made by your referrals, for their entire duration of activity! Credits function as the in-game stable currency, akin to a stablecoin like USDT, though it is not a cryptocurrency.


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