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RE: The HivePH Meetup That I Traveled Miles Away

in Hive PHlast year

It felt like he's my shield from all the curious eyes and high hopes of the people from me.

Awww... 🥹 This made me a bit teary.. That is so sweet of you witty!!! I will always be this to you and all the gang! We may only meet in Hive Discord, but I truly appreciate and respect the connection we have made and I am very grateful that I have met you for reals! I wish I could hug you again hehe! I love you as a friend! and I am missing the company even for a short while it truly feel like we're barkada for a long time. Always cheer up and don't overthink things, every moment was perfect!


 last year  

You're one of the people that really surprised me Mebu, and I'm so happy I got to know you in real life. It felt like you were a big brother to me at that moment, that I could rely on you. And I think I would rely on you in the future too. You're like a barkada that I've known for a long time too! hugs Luv u as a friend too mebu!