A crucial task to fulfill on Election Day

in Hive PH8 months ago

"Hello, my friends in hives! I hope you're all doing well today. It's so refreshing to find joy in simple things each day, isn't it?

Now, I wanted to share with you the story of my Sunday. It revolves around the briefing of being an Electoral Board and at the same time being a Barangay Board of Canvasser of the incoming Barangay Election.

The importance of having leaders in every nation and barangay to maintain peace and order. As responsible citizens, we have the power to choose leaders who are dedicated, trustworthy, and responsible.

With the election day drawing near, the Commission on Election is diligently preparing for the necessary tasks, such as conducting briefings for the Electoral Board and Barangay Board of Canvasser. Teachers play a crucial role during elections and it's in our hands to ensure the success of this important event.

On October 7, I woke up early so that I could arrive at the venue on time for the briefing scheduled for 7 o'clock in the morning. To my surprise, only a few people were there, eagerly waiting for the complex to open.


To prevent getting bored, I decided to make the most of my time by capturing pictures and enjoying the refreshing air at the park where the monument of Jose P. Rizal, our national hero, stands.

The tranquility of the place rejuvenated me after a long week of work. I had the park all to myself since its not a working day. Although I wished to stay for an hour, I had to cut my visit short for a briefing.


As I explored, I came across a tree with a meaningful quote that perfectly resonated with my peaceful park adventure.


Additionally, I noticed the Tabogon Sports Complex, with an old acacia tree in its front, which unfortunately had to be pruned due to the surrounding buildings.


We have been called for a second time to attend a briefing for the Barangay Board of Canvassers (BBOC) at the Tabogon Sports Complex in Tabogon, Cebu.

Registration is going on, only few are called because in every barangay only 3 chairpersons are choosen to be as BBOC. The program started at 9:30 in the morning, with Sir Leo Monterola the Election Officer as the speaker.


We are delighted with the venue choice as it provided a comfortable setting for the event. Although the air conditioning and large ceiling fan made the atmosphere a bit chilly, it actually created a conducive environment for all participants to attentively listen and understand each topic presented by the speaker.

During the discussion, we were pleasantly surprised when snacks were distributed, allowing us to have energizing snacks while still being productive. We are extremely grateful for the excellent accommodations that were provided to us.


Looks like we are taking a test 😂 the chairs were arranged distantly with one another. Focusing on the topic that was being discussed, noted all the important things during canvassing of the votes.

We are comfortable with the venue, the atmosphere was very cold brought by airconditioner and a big fan at the ceiling. It was totally conducive for all the participants to listen and grasp every topic delivered by the speaker.

In the middle of the discussion snacks were distributed. They allowed us to have a working snacks. And we are very grateful for the good accomodations they have given to us.


"The venue was spacious enough to accommodate a large number of participants. However, this time there were several vacant seats on our right side since there were only a few of us, unlike during our first briefing as an Electoral Board (EB) when all the seats were fully occupied.

The briefing lasted for almost three hours and covered all the responsibilities we have during the canvassing process. They even provided lunch for all the participants.

I feel well-prepared now with the knowledge and information needed to administer the barangay election. And if any doubts arise, I can always refer to the handbook or manual for guidance.

I have a strong desire to serve my country, and this is the perfect opportunity to fulfill my vision. I am honored to be trusted by the Commission on Election, and I am committed to serving my assigned precinct center with honesty. Let us all come together for the betterment of our nation.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.


May you have a successful and peaceful election. God bless!🙋

May we have a peaceful election @nanayko, thanks for taking your time with my blog.

Good luck for the election!

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Thank you so much @hivebuzz for always supporting us bloggers.

You're welcome @simplybil! Have a nice day 😊👍

Election is fast approaching and hoping a peaceful day during election.

Congratulations Ma'am @simplybil for accomplishing the successive orientation as BEI and BOC❤️Good luck for the coming Election!Hoping for a very peaceful election🙏🙏🙏

Thank you so much ma'am @lovinglymers for the encouragement and well wishes for the incoming election. May we have a peaceful one.