Delicacies and Local Products of Cebu, Philippines

in Hive PH5 months ago

Hello my dear hive friends! I hope all is well as we welcome another year in our life. A new day that would bring inspiration and hopes to everybody. Life is full of surprises, challenges, and trials that made us stronger.

My life isn't that boring because I have my family that inspires me. Although we encountered many trials regarding financial constraints but with our collaboration slowly we strive. Today I've got the opportunity to travel to one of the progressive city in our province the Cebu City. The place is very far from where I live that is why I seldom come and visit the progressive city.

I travelled @10 in the morning and reached my destination around 3 in the afternoon. The journey was quite tiresome because of the heavy traffic. I almost lose hope that I can't finish my errand in the city. Due to my full strength, endurance, and positivity I was able to accomplished it on that day.

I am happy that I am done with my task so I gave a treat to myself. I ate my late lunch in SM City, Cebu to overcome my strength. The coldness of the mall gave relaxation to myself. I strolled around until I sew the different delicacies on the ground floor which made me to stop and took a glance in every store.

Cebu has plenty of delicacies to offers to everybody especially tourist outside Cebu Province. Delicious Rice cake with buko displayed in Mandaue, the famous Pintos in Bogo City, native chicken with lemon grass and ginger in Catmon Cebu, and local products made from rattan in Sogod, Cebu. Perfect match to the beautiful spots and beaches.



On this corner they sell the special crispy chicharon from Carcar City, Cebu. It was packed by different sizes and it all tastes good. It comes from a pig skin that was being cooked and turned out to be a chicharon. Others dip this in a vinegar with chili while others eat this purely.

Carcar City offered different delicacies like ampao, coconut balls, banana chips, chicharon, and lechon. The locals expanded their business by displaying their products at the malls.


As I continue strolling I come up on this booth, I have seen an eggtart having a variety of flavors. It was sell at 50 pesos each or .91$. The prize is worthy because it looks very delicious and mouthwatery for the passersby. The assurance of cleanliness, freshness, and taste of their display was shown to all the buyers. It was well arranged and neatly enclosed in a glass or plastic to avoid dust.


I was mesmerized by all of the delicacies displayed, I wanted to taste it but I don't have enough money to buy so I just let myself starred at the delicious delicacies. Here are suman, leche flan, purple flan, biko, and maja all are tasty to taste.


Until I reached in a fresh fruit juice corner, I chose to drink the mix fruits and vegetables for only 50 pesos in medium glass, and 90 pesos in large glass. Since buko juice is common in our province I did not prefer ordering it. It was well blended that gave a perfect taste.

Strolling alone in the mall made me easier to decide where to go next. I just kept walking and enjoy myself and do a window shopping. Since my stomach was full I change my direction and went to the local products from different municipalities of Cebu Province.



Proudly I can say that Pilipinos are very creative in making any local products. Some are made from indigenous materials like coconut shells, romblon leaf, rattan, seashells, cloth, and recycled materials. They made into bags, wallets, hats, keyholder, and accessories.

Sellable time for these products is during Sinulog Festival celebrated this month. Some tourists get attracted and buy for these as a souvenir when they back home. There were many stores that I just passed by because of time insufficiency. Overall I had a productive day and fulfilled my task.

Hope you can spend a little time reading my blog. I would be happy if you will extend your support on my new blog. Thank you, until next time.


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Cebu offers various types of souvenirs and delicacies! You are not wasting your time
ms @simplybil. You are exploring the true meaning of life! hehe. Thank you for sharing1

Thank you @missellimac, it was enjoyable experienced and presenting all the delicacies and souvenirs from Cebu is greatly amazing.

Indeed!😍 want to visit Cebu this year!

!discovery 20

Thank you admin, now I know about discovery 20. Thank you for your support admin.

This is one of the pasalubong that will excite us before when our parents return home from their travels. One of these is the patatas, which is really my fave ever since. It makes my mouth water.

We always wait for our pasalubong, rosquillos and galletas from Titays really excite us to wait and fell the taste from it. Thank you @naymhapz for your time.

Travelling to Cebu City and going back to the province will never be complete without bringing pasalubong. Indeed, SM Cebu sells a lot of treats and delights best be given as a pasalubong for the family members waiting for you to come home. Enjoy your trip ma'am @simplybil and stay safe!☺︎♡

We were glad that somebody is waiting for us for their pasalubong at home. It's overwhelming to share blessings to our family and friends. The best delicacies are displayed at SM Cebu. Thank you for dropping by on my blog @heyitsjian .

Wahh, Cebu is really a big place no. Hope I too can explore Cebu someday. Fellow Hivers shares a lot of good place in Cebu. Then there is those delicacies and all.

Hello there @ruffatotmeee, thanks for your time reading my blog, Cebu is not that big but it is indeed a progressive city. A lot of establishments and beautiful spots here. We are very pleased if you will come and visit our province.

Hello po :) when it comes to delicacies, ang favorite ko talaga is the chicharon and ampao from Carcar. I remember when we used to go to simala, we always make sure to stop by Carcar and buy chicharon and ampao as snacks. Hope you had a great day!

Hi there @jane911x, yeah the crispy chicharon from Carcar is really mouthwatering especially the spicy one

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Oowh. This makes me crave for these delicacies…
I remembered how some of my co-teachers appreciate the filipino snacks that we brought from the Philippines and the local products as well.😊