Attending the College Intramurals

in Hive PH8 months ago

We had our school intramurals on September 23, 2023. We started it with a parade in the morning and the identification of our course department is blue. Can you guess what it is? It is the maker of all the professions, it is "Education." We have a check-in and check-out attendance in our intramurals. The student government strictly imposed it as what is mandated by the school. There is a penalty of 20 pesos if you are 15 minutes late. So on the first day, I was late! It is because the check-in time is very early at 5:30-6:00 am and I feel so lazy to wake up very early.

Our parade did not last 1 hour. I thought we would pass by in our house since I live nearby. I am happy that one of our parade routes is to pass by in front of our High school campus. How I really miss going to that school. There's really nothing much fun at the parade except the fresh sunrise in the morning, at least we were able to get a dose of vitamin D. During our parade, there are many photographers taking shots. I was busy taking photos too while walking.

After the parade, we have a lighting of torch outside the campus and a raising of flags per course department. There was a minor inconvenience during that time but they were able to fix the sound system in a few minutes. We saw a few of our college instructors and we had fun talking for a few minutes when the sound system was not working yet. After the opening remark, we entered inside the gym to start the intramural chants per department.

The first chant is from the yellow club which belongs to the Business Administration department. Well, I like their chant but not totally. The blue girls from the Education department are so cute with their pom-poms. In fact, I didn't expect their attire and they were very jolly that time! Their chant is perfect before the sports begin. I wasn't able to take photos of the other department chants because I was totally mesmerized by the previous chant.

There are so many sports and games that I wasn't able to take pictures with. Anyway, I'm glad I was able to take pictures of this beautiful art. The theme is about the intramurals and I think you can see that from the drawings. I want to say that I like them all and each are with strong details. The first one clearly shows how this intramural will bring unity to the school. While the second one shows our talents are an asset in our student journey. The third one shows the different sports played in the intramurals.

There were many contests and games during the intramurals but I participated in none because I didn't want to make my life more busy. I'm just an audience where me and my classmates will just watch the players besides I'm not into sports anyway.

This photo was taken in the middle of the day when we go out to buy lunch. It was very hot and I salute the players for enduring the scorching heat. It must not be easy for them to play outdoor sports on a very hot day.

During that time, the basketball players were playing a game but since I'm not a fan of basketball, I didn't watch it. Others would like to watch to hunt for hottie guys but I don't like too much masculine so watching basketball is not for me.

On the second day of intramurals, we had a fun Zumba. We are required to wear a white T-shirt or anything but not everyone will follow that. In fact, what I wore that day only had a small portion of white. So ridiculous but following instructions is so hard.


I think this is a perfect capture because the three besties are looking at my camera. I want to say that this photo is the highlight of my intramurals because it hit the theme of our school intramurals "Building Friendship and Empowering the Youth Through Sports." I just captured a real moment and this group of friends are really looking so happy.

I have enjoyed our intramurals but I cannot say it's as enjoyable as the intramurals in high school. It feels different now where in the high school parade, there is so much excitement. I do not know why but I suddenly miss the intramurals way back in high school. Anyway, it doesn't matter. I am happy for the beautiful memories I am creating in my college life and I want to treasure every moment.

Thank you for reading my blog. All photos are taken by me unless stated otherwise. 🌸


Well looks like a fun event filled with activities. Wow I can't believe it starts so early though, haha. How late were you btw? I agree our high school days were cherished more. Maybe because there were longer and more friendships there. Thanks for sharing :)

Thanks Bob! I guess I'm 20 minutes late haha nevermind! I was still able to attend the parade. High school is a lot fun because there's so many fun activities inside the campus and aside from that, we have less or no responsibility in life so it's gonna be a lit experience. How I miss it a lot!

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