A Sundate With My Family

in Hive PHlast month

Every Sunday people plans to go to the church to listen to the gospel from the priest or pastors because that is the only day that most people went there. You can also go there any time of the day to pray most that's what most most is accustomed which is Sunday.

Last Sunday, I didn't went to the church because of something that I needed to do but today, I went there together with my family. We do the usual thing in the church like listening to these gospels, pray, giving tithes, and to ponder the words from the GOD.

There is a dressing code when going to our church, for the girls, they need to wear a dress type clothes which most of the people in the ancient times wear dress. I think this is a good idea on wearing something decent just like a dress when going to the church. For the boys, just like me, we need to wear a casual one anything with a jeans and something like a t-shirt but not wearing shorts.

It's like a code of conduct when going to this church, you can also come here as a guest and wear anything but not as revealing as when you go to a party. I think that is understandable because of our culture as a Filipino and as a sign of respect of the church.

Anyway, that's what we normally do when going to church and as I was listening to the gospel of the pastor in front of us, my daughter is here beside me wanting to play but mostly she likes to watch YouTube videos or old videos from her mom's phone.

I think it is not a good idea when we spoil our kids with something that they always wants and most of the times, they always cry if they didn't get what they want. As a father, I told her that it's bad to cry in front the people and reminding her that it's not good for her eyes watching these videos every day and I don't know if she understands on what I told her but I really hope that she understand because that is what is best for her.

There are other kids that plays outside and inside the church, It's fun watching my child playing with other kids because socializing with other kids is also a way to have confidence with other kids, too. After the pastor shared his testimonies and the verses, we stand and sing a song.

As always, it was a 3-hour stay in the church and I've learned something from while sitting at the back of the church and it was composed of homily, song, testimonies to other members of the church, giving tithes, another song for the members of the church who wants to sing in front of the church, and lastly will be the bible study.

After that, we bid goodbyes to other members of the church and also the pastor bought a bread for the members. The pastor will give a bread for you at the end of the bible study which is one of the best that I could experience because we couldn't try that one when I was a catholic.

Note: The first photo was edited using Canva PRO




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A family that prays together, stays together.😊

We do that all that time and I'm very thankful for that.

It's a good activity for your family.😊

🙏🤩 !PGM

I really like the idea of a dress code at church. This is a great way to spend a sunday

Also for INC people, I think they always wear dress or a skirt when they go to their church.

God bless your family sir @vinzie1


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