An Open Letter to a Past Lover

in Hive PH3 months ago

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Happy hearts month, my dear wholesome readers!

We are all aware how the February air feels like. This is the month when people are able to express their love and affection more than the rest of the months. I mean, we can do this everyday but, for me, something about February is just so special.

Love Month ♡

I like Februaries as they feel oh-so-magical, regardless of my relationship status. Whether I am in a relationship, or it's complicated, or coursing through a heartbreak, or simply happily single; February will always feel enchanting to me. One of the reasons is because I am able to express and show my appreciation to my dear friends and to my beloved family.

Me and my highschool bestie

Speaking of relationships, I've never been in a serious one before but I have met a few guys to whom my heart showed fondness for. I was always the date-to-marry type and still am, but sometimes, things don't happen the way we wished for them to happen. And that's simply how life works. Looking back to those moments feels bittersweet now yet I can finally believe in the saying "everything happens for a reason".

An Open Letter to a Past Lover

Despite the heartbreak and pain, there will always be something to be thankful for. And if I am given the chance to say something to the man who once held a special place in my heart, I would write him the following letter:

Dear past lover,
As the curtains close for this one of a kind story and as we wave our last farewell, I hope you know that you always are with the beating of my chest and hold a tiny piece of this heart.
This heart that has gone through the happy times and through the sad cries; this heart that has been inflicted with love and pain over and over again; this heart that has been destructed by the storm yet still chose to beat after the rain; you caused all of these to happen but I thank you for it, I thank you for constantly reminding me of how human I am.
You, you are one to teach me that goodbyes aren’t that tragic at all; that, surprisingly, not all goodbyes are meant to break hearts; that sometimes, goodbye could just be so beautiful - like how the sun kisses the sky goodbye before nightfall.
So as we bid our last goodbyes, I hope you keep your heart in a much much safer place where it can grow to what it’s really meant to be. And keep it in safer arms of whom it’s meant to love.

Writing something like this felt so relieving as it released the negative energies brought about by the pain from the failed relationship. As a line from a Filipino song goes "...may paglaya sa pagsuko", indeed, there is freedom in surrender.

Compatibility and Letting Go

Human as we are, finding someone who fits our own complexities is definitely not a walk in the park. Quoting Taylor Swift, "people are people, and sometimes it doesn't work out", for a lot of possible reasons.


One reason might be the differences between two people, especially when they are not willing to compromise and meet each other halfway. As I grew older and wiser, I realized that this could not be that bad at all. Compatibility and the degree of willingness to compromise are, for me, the two major things that help a relationship to flourish.

In this life, we meet a number of people to whom we feel warmhearted with; some seem to lift us up the ground, and some give us a kaleidoscope of butterflies in our stomachs. But oftentimes, these people aren't meant to stay in your life forever.


Personally, I've learned the art of letting go after accepting that there are so many things that are out of my control. This could easily be said than done, I know, as it actually took me years and a few failed romances to learn the knack of it.

Love should never be forced. If it comes and just goes, then let it. Trust me, you'll know love the moment you find the one who's truly meant for you.

Thank you for reading my post up to this point. I hope you have a great time ahead!

I'll take delight in writing for you again soon.

Sam ♡

This post is my entry for @hiveph's blogging contest for #FebIbig and I am inviting @pinkchic and @jane911x to join this contest. 🤗

All photos in this post are owned by me, unless stated otherwise.


Hello, in case you have not read my intro post, my name is Samantha. You may call me Sam for short. I am from Cebu, a beautiful island in the Philippines. I created this space in an attempt to put all the good things in one place, thus, my blog name @wholesamdiaries.

If you wish to show appreciation; an upvote, comment, reblog and/or follow is the way! Thank you once again and see you around! ♡