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RE: A Handy Flowchart

in Memehub3 years ago

Eh. I'm not going to abandon development even if I'm starving for a bag of avacadoes and some spinach dip.. Eventually with enough hard work I won't be at the whim of others decision making.. The mind can wander into some really dark fucking places when you start dissecting the situation but for my own sanity sake and for the sake of HIVE I hope the motiviation behind all this horse shit isn't something malicious.. Generally have pretty good faith in our group of elites.. But in this instance it seems that either priorities or motivators have been altered from support the community so it supports you, to a more underhanded approach of manipulating HIVE price upwards.

For the record I do see the value though of what HBD stabilizer is trying to do.. I just don't think it should be what the majority of DHF funds are being applied to.. Or better yet get the developers that were funded on board and have them sell HBD -> BTC -> HIVE and power up or burn whatever they don't need for development expenses.

I dunno.. It all boils down to being sad and going from feeling like the community finally was getting behind development efforts.. to essentially developing 2 massive projects on top of the sites I'm already running for what ends up amounting to a little over $20 a day income that I can't even directly access due to it being paid to my witness as HP. Sure the increased HBD payments were nice, but ending up not being supported for weeks or months while we stuff cash into a broken peg system because a few of the untouchables decided that developers taking the extra profits the buggered peg was providing would be better directed to increase the value of their already massive stake.


As far as I know, the stabilizer should be temporary. I would hope it disappears after the next HF.

How many disgruntled developers disappear with it though is my concern..

We're sending a pretty fucked up message to the greater crypto community in that a couple individuals control enough influence on the DPOS consensus system we have here that they effectively veto any sort of community consensus that could have possibly taken place, had the run away break of civilization of the top 20's stake been spread over 5000 accounts instead of 5 this woudln't be an issue.. But alas majority of the ones in top 20 positions were either grandfathered in from Bitshares or had significant crypto holdings to allow them not to sell off any HIVE and create a massive disparity of voting power within the community.

I guess we shall see how it plays out.

Can't wait till I'm king of my own sidechain with it's own DAO funding that will operate under a 1 vote is 1 vote architecture removing the whole pay to win aspect of DPOS chains and flipping it on it's head, leveling the playing field between the "haves" and the "have nots" :/