
I got myself this entirely new account dedicated to memes only! Can't wait for @memehub to be fully launched :D

I know it's early days but I love all the new features like comunities, ITO and SI ( actually lol-ed ) also STONK :))). Can't wait to get my hands on the platform.
A small suggestion based on user score: if you reach x user score you get a title like "shitposter" or "memelord" or whatever and next milestone you get the next title. I think that would be easy to implement and a lot of fun. If you like the idea we could do a contest on hive, on what titles are best, like the good ol' days :D.

Yeah, I like the idea of something like badges for various things, leveling system, etc. I do plan to implement all kinds of badass stuff like that. Though thats a quality of life feature thatll have to wait until I have the core stood up. To give an analogy, if this was building a house, Im laying the foundation atm, and what you see in the vid is more like a tentative design blueprint that the actual house in progress of being built

In the meantime I'll be here posting memes and being useless :)))

sacrilege there is an error here as the video is not available, might be worth looking into but the concept is dodge proof like SNL.