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RE: No podría estar más equivocado // I couldn't be more wrong

in Full Deporteslast month

How are you dear friend @musicandreview good morning
While I watched the development of the match between Real Madrid and Manchester I remembered what I had talked about in the comments of your post, I remember wishing that Real would win, but as I said, it seemed impossible for it to happen, but we must admit The real team played intelligently and was able to hold up very well throughout the match, and in the penalty shootout the goalkeeper was very intelligent by standing under the crossbar and waiting for the execution to catch the ball, the rest is history.
I love your talks about football
have a great day


Creo que la clave para que el Madrid avanzara de ronda fue precisamente eso que mencionas, saber aguantar. Luego los penalties son una lotería, pero normalmente lo gana quien tiene más experiencia.

Fue un gusto compartir! Saludos!

I think the key for Madrid to advance to the round was precisely what you mentioned, knowing how to hold on. Then penalties are a lottery, but usually the one with the most experience wins.

It was a pleasure to share! Greetings!