Domination Is Relative And Is Here To Stay

Whenever someone mentions dominance, I am elated to listen to that person's point of view on the topic. Dominance is very broad and can be seen from different perspectives. Some people would agree that it's necessary to dominate over others while other people won't agree, it's all about their perspective.

I can't exactly count the number of times I was woken by neighbouring couples who were quarrelling. Listening carefully, I realised that 97% of the argument was caused by the struggle for dominance by the lady. We're not new to the fact that for a while now, women have been struggling for dominance. How is that going? I can't tell because I'm not one of them struggling.



About a week ago, I had a chat with @malopie and we concluded on the fact that nothing is ever going to be equal in this world. It might seem funny but it's actually true. Irrespective of how much humans try to balance things up,there would always be a dominating side.

I grew up knowing that men are supposed to dominate while women are supposed to assist the men. Ancient African culture really portrayed this fact. You see cases where the husbands get back from work and right from the gate, the wife is already doing many things. Collecting his bag, wiping his sweat, removing his work clothes, serving him dinner on her knees! The typical African woman of today would most likely not do all these things. Is this evidence of evolution?. Does this mean that men are slowly losing their dominance?

How do I deal with Domination

Personally, I don't have a problem with "dominance" except when certain people take it to the extreme. Dominance is supposed to come with utmost respect if you play your cards right. Many people don't understand this fact and they go ahead to act like gods over people's lives. There are very few humans that have dominance over my being presently; my parents and one of my uncles. Doesn't mean that I don't respect the rest of the people in my life.

Different people have their reasons to dominate. I really admire people who have logical reasons for trying to "dominate" and as such, they have my full respect.

On the other hand, I avoid people who try to dominate others by all means. I see them as power-thirsty individuals who would do whatever it takes to get what they want.

A few years ago, I had an encounter with a power-thirsty individual. He was one of the reasons I started choosing my friends carefully. We were a group of four friends who loved spending time together. Soon enough, he started getting on people's nerves because of the way he acted. He wanted things to be done his own way. He expected that we were all perfect and so if we made any mistake, he would start throwing tantrums. The straw that broke the camel's back was when we got into serious trouble because of his "dominance".

After I successfully wriggled out of the trouble with the higher authorities, I cut ties with him and I gave him my reasons. We have positive and negative types of dominance and he was clearly on the negative side.

I'm someone who likes to do things at my own pace and if any insecure and prideful human tries to change that in the name of "dominance", I get so pissed. This was one of the reasons why many senior students in highschool disliked me, but the few that understood my reasons loved me. The fact remains that you can't be everybody's favourite person.



We live in a world of imperialism and imperfection and as such, there would always, always be domination whether we like it or not. The best thing to do in such a world is to pick a stand. Do you want to be a supporter of negative domination, positive domination or neither? Do a silent self-evaluation.

With love, wongi ✨


I would say, it is a very sensitive and difficult subject for many, many people. Especially for those who are sensitive, empathetic and most of all - have low selfesteem.
Such people are often dominated by others against their will, locked in golden cages.

For me, personally an interesting kind of domination is authority. And I am not talking about imposed authorities, such as parents or the government. I am talking about authorities whose dominance we recognise, because they have earned it. For instance: a professor at a university who, because of his dominance, his huge, overwhelming knowledge, we respect and listen to what he has to say.

I think, that this kind of domination is not only harmless, but also desirable too. The mentor - student relationship is very important, especially at the beginning of our path, when we are not yet formed as a people, and we are exposed to bad influences from our surroundings.

Really interesting article, I get what you meant, when you say

I'm someone who likes to do things at my own pace and if any insecure and prideful human tries to change that in the name of "dominance", I get so pissed

I am getting stressed and frustrated easily, and need my space to figure my own way to deal with given task/problem.

Such people are often dominated by others against their will, locked in golden cages.

Most times, such people want to scream but can't find the right words to mumble out. Within them, they know that such dominance is not right, but due to low self esteem, there's nothing much they can do.

It's worthy to note that when such people eventually emerge from the shackles of the dominance, they become entirely different.

I think, that this kind of domination is not only harmless, but also desirable too

Every one would want to know that they have a certain degree of dominance accompanied with respect. It's totally harmless but good for peaceful cohabitation.

Thank you so much for your amazing comment ✨. I really appreciate it.

Wow, didn't see that coming! All thanks to @wongi, that was very interesting article!

Thank you so much for reading ✨🤗

 last year  

I agree with you, but I feel more in relationships of interdependence than dominance because indeed, what would men be without women and vice versa? What your article raises quite well I think is the harmfulness of control just for its own sake rather than to actually do good for others or the community !

Thank you for sharing and reading this article of you :)

Enjoy your incoming weekend !

Thank you for sharing and reading this article of you :)

Thank you for reading and dropping a pleasant comment.

Enjoy your incoming weekend !

I will do. Do have a great weekend too

 last year  

You're most welcome :D

Thanks you 🌟 !


I think one of the problems we have in this world today is caused by the instinct that people gave developed, where they want to bring people under them for the purpose of control.
Dominance comes with ego. And when ego comes alive in a human being, he or she sees himself as the best to lead and not be led.

Check the world today. You'd simply see that every nation is working to become a world powers thereby endangering our world the more.

Nice thoughts you put up together here.

Dreemport led me here.

Irrespective of how we want to see it, domination lives within humans and little things can trigger it to awaken. It's now left for the human to decide whether he/she I'd using his dominance positively or negatively.

Thank you so very much for stopping by, I really appreciate ✨

It is true what you say, i also try to avoid people who abuse their role of dominance.

We live in a world where gender roles are not necessarily reversed, but spaces are being given to everyone. I think that because of the speed at which the world is moving, it is almost imperative that this is the case.

Thank you so much @flquin reading and dropping an amazing comment. I really appreciate ✨

Personally, I don't have a problem with "dominance" except when certain people take it to the extreme. Dominance is supposed to come with utmost respect if you play your cards right. Many people don't understand this fact and they go ahead to act like gods over people's lives.

Personally, I can't stand people like that, who are very controlling.

If they can't respect my opinion or view then we are going to have some problems. Except only when such a dominant character has a positive effect on me and in that case it should still come with respect.

Personally, I can't stand people like that, who are very controlling.

This is it. People like this have totally unbearable characters most times. It's sickening

Thank you dear funshee for dropping an encouraging comment. I appreciate ✨

You're welcome, enjoy your weekend.

Have a great weekend too.

Nicely written.

Domination is such a controversial topic to me. In the aspect of relationships, dominating is a strong word. I believe that if there is mutual respect between both parties, there won't be a need for dominance.

I can let you lead in some areas, and vice versa. As men and women, we both have our strengths and weaknesses and therefore should lead in areas we are more equipped to. It is not necessarily dominance.

I had a blast reading this.

I can let you lead in some areas, and vice versa.

This is how it's supposed to be. Mutual understanding and cooperation but many people feel superior along the line and act out of line.

I had a blast reading this.

Oh thank you lovely. I really appreciate your reading and commenting. !LUV

interesting read, thank you.

Thank you for taking time to read. ✨

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While I don't consider myself dominating in any way, and I'll take the option that pleases most people most of the time, there are things I won't compromise on.

I'd rather be in a cooperative relationship rather than a dominative one, but I'll let the other one decide for "us" if s/he a logical reason as you said. Some people naturally compel "respect!"

I guess people who discuss this topic won't be the type of people who dominate others because the easiest way to dominate is to not let others know what you're doing to them.


Some people naturally compel "respect!"

The aura alone from certain people is enough to command a harmless kind of dominance but when it gets to the extreme, it becomes somewhat violent.

because the easiest way to dominate is to not let others know what you're doing to them.

You know, I never really thought about this from this angle. You're right when you say this. This that dominate would be to busy dominating while the people on the other side of the seesaw do the reasoning.

Thank you very much for stopping by and dropping an amazing comment. It's really appreciated 🤗❣️

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