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RE: HIVE is Resistant to Censorship Because it Gives You Ownership [ESP/ENG] HIVE es Resistente a la Censura Porque te Da la Propiedad

You can make this world even better, if you open your arms and shout to the 4 winds what you think without fear and without seeking acceptance from others.

We are free and we must never lose that, the world will change when we change our way of thinking and give a 360 degree turn to what is happening in today's society.

It is not forcing them to change their minds, it is giving them the opportunity to see beyond what they see.

It is simply looking in the dark for that light that will free us once and for all.


That's right, I feel that my world became better the moment I discovered Hive, and I'm not saying that because I'm a bootlicker, I'm saying that because I came here with a purpose and I found a solution, I learn everyday, I changed my way of thinking, I know that we all can, and taking up the topic again, I found the best here, freedom of expression, whoever you like.

 3 years ago  

I would like to know that purpose 🤩

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The important thing is that you are loyal and authentic with yourself, that is what will make the difference.
