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RE: Artistry Betrayed: Nobody Tries That On Hive.

in Loving HIVE ❤2 months ago

IP is such a tricky point and even I have made mistakes with my assumptions about creative work of other people. I was called out by Neil Gaiman on twitter once on my assumptions and I felt bad about the way I was thinking.

Hive, or more precisely a blockchain, is a good place to do put your work or aspects of your work. This is because a lot of creative IP can be decided by who published it first or wrote about it first. This can prove that you knew something at such and such date in the past much before anyone else. In Hive that guarantee is further enforced due to the nature of the blockchain. So if, for eg, you put the photos of your latest designs up on Liketu then it will go into blockchain on a certain date and time (the posting time) and this can be proved later to be immutable in case you need to argue about IP ownership in a legal situation.

Thanks for sharing these aspects. I am sure it will help a lot of creatives.

Cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife


So true, Hive is such an exceptional platform and I do love it so much. Thank you dreemer for stopping by.