Supporting Hive Orientation for our Senior High School Students!

in Loving HIVE ❤7 months ago

In this modern era, young generations need to be oriented on what is Web3 and its various platforms where they can be able to learn, grow, earn, and prosper at their own pace...

Greetings my dear friends in Hive! As always, I wish you all good health and more blessings. Today is another inspiring day to share with you very good news about expanding our Hive family through conducting Hive orientations.


For many Hive orientations conducted in the past, if you have read my past blogs, most of them were teachers and a handful of college students. This time are senior high school students!

The orientation was conducted mainly by ma'am @callmesmile, one of our blogging mentors and one of the Grade 12 advisers in our school as well. I got excited when I learned about the orientation. Not only because I looked forward to finally engaging our students into blogging but also because our mentors, @indayclara & @ybanezkim26, would be with us and would be the honorable speakers of the orientation.



The orientation started early on a Wednesday morning as the speakers arrived on time. The attendees were excitedly waiting for the orientation to begin. I knew some of them already learned about blogging but still, it is best for them to be oriented fully so that they will not begin their journey in Hive blogging half-baked. I didn't know exactly the number of participants, but I guess there were more than 50 participants including student teachers.

The Grade 12 students were eagerly listening to the 3-hour Hive orientation. It started with a prayer and other preliminaries. The attendees were welcomed by Ma'am Smi followed by a 15-minute self-introduction of the hosts, speakers, and participants.


Next was sir @ybanezkim26 discussed what is Web3 followed by introducing and navigating PeakD. The reward system of Hive was comprehensively discussed by Sir Kim, he also gave tips to the students on how to improve their writing skills through blogging. Subsequently, @indayclara gave the Dos and don'ts of blogging. In this part, the speakers emphasized that plagiarism is an unforgivable offense in the ecosystem and MUST be prohibited.


In addition to all the useful information and tips, they also gave the advantages of blogging not only academically as students but also economically. After that, the floor was opened for the Q and A portion.


Many questions were raised and all of them were comprehensively answered by the speakers!



And I'm simply congratulating @callmesmile for the job well done, assuring her my full support!



Those four ladies on my right are Student Teachers from Cebu Roosevelt Memorial Colleges. Students Teachers are graduating college students taking up Bachelor of Science in Education, the future professional teachers soon. They were also the attendees of the orientation. I am excited to see them become part of the Hive family.




The orientation ended on time for lunch and we never let our guest speakers leave the premises with an empty stomach! Ma'am @callmesmile, @jobeliever, @dehai, @naymaphs, and I prepared little food for lunch. We were also joined by ma'am @missleray and @redgemini.

That ends my post for today! We are extremely grateful to miss @indayclara and sir @ybanezkim26 for gracing our school once again. I hope they will get tired of us, hehe... Thank you so much for your time my friends. Let's continue spreading the Hive and expanding our family in Hive blogging!

It's me again, @ciadanmea, saying good hugs and God bless!


It's good to see po na Hive is getting to be known to many people especially students. It feels so great rin na mayroong kapwa students na tulad ko na interested for blogging in Hive....

I hope you can onboard more people in Hive 😄

Thank you so much for accommodating us throughout the event. I appreciate that you made sure we had something to eat and we were taken care of. I am really looking forward that it will be your turn to do this to your class 😉

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Eyy, future blog writters💕. Can't wait to see them here on hive community😊. Thanks maam & sir for facilitating this kind of programs..🤗