My First Happy Hive Anniversary

in Loving HIVE ❤4 months ago (edited)

3 February 2024


Hello Hivers and friends. I'm not feeling the best, on some medication that is messing with me that was prescribed to me on a recent doctors visit. Anyways I can't miss out on writing a post about my 1st Hive Anniversary 🎈🎂 I will also share some love for Hive, perhaps give some newbies hope ♥️ I'll admit though it's went quick and I still feel like a newbie in a sense.


I still remember my first days here. I was really a lost soul for a few days thinking how can I absorb all the information that I need to be a good user here. Fornately I had some blogging experience from another platform.

One of the best parts coming here is that I knew quite a few users here. That really helped and made it easier to ask questions. When they couldn't answer them, there were many out there offering their assistance. There is no better place for a newbie than Hive!! Where else can go where people flood your comments with useful tools and offer help on your introduction post? Users here generally want to help each other out. It wasn't long I connected with others I didn't know. It was nice to see them find me and fun finding them.

It didn't take long to figure out the bread and butter works similar in all writing platforms to include here. Just read,write, engage, and upvote. Believe it, that will go a long ways. I'm not an everyday writer but I'm proud to say a day doesn't pass by that I'm not here reading and engaging. Yes, I got addicted quickly here at Hive. It truly is like that for a lot of people. Being here a year now that same addiction is still burning strong.


I once bounced between two platforms daily. I came to the realization it's hard to do both and had to choose one. No surprises, I chose Hive because most of my friends migrated here and the new friends I met here were awesome. Also Hive was a much more rewarding platform. Not to mention there's way more users and so many different communities to check out and be a part of. Sometimes you dont have to think about what to write because there are so many communities that have themes for every day of the week.



One of my favorite things about Hive is there are so many tools to track your progress. I don't know of any other platforms that have this cutting edge coolness. I may not be the busiest bee on the block but I'm proud of what I have accomplished so far.

So as busy I get sometimes I'm surprised to have written 135 articles. If you told me when I first started that I would hit that many articles in a year I would have said no way. All the upvotes and comments I have received is very much appreciated. In a way Hive is much like a happy home. Engaging I believe is necessary but what takes it to another level is getting to know people through sharing thoughts, interests, laughs, support and other emotions.

I love how growing on Hive helps not only you but everyone. I started slow growing but once I hit 1000 in staked Hive tokens (HP) it really grows at a nice steady rate. The bigger we get the more amount we grow.

This past year along the way I have tried many new things. I got on board right away and started powering up. Once I found kind of a Hive Mo-jo I started participating in things such Hive Power Up Month. I than started saving some HBD, why not when it has an amazing 20% interest rate. Most recently I created my own community. It's still much a work in progress as I'm trying hard to build it up.


There is just so many opportunities here that I haven't tried out yet. I'm sure I will venture more in the chain the longer I stay here. I realize being here just a year there is much more to explore and learn. It really is a platform that has something of interest for anybody that may join. That's what makes this an awesome place to be.

One year down for me and many more to go. A one year birthday that is so worthy of celebrating. Sure there's no cake and ice cream in front of me nor candles to blow out but it much feels like a birthday. So here I am celebrating it with not just myself by with all you.

Well this is all I have for you today on my 1st Hive birthday. The day is coming to an end here. Do you have a hive birthday coming up soon?

Take care, stay safe and enjoy what's left of your weekend. Until next time.


Congratulations! I wanted to write an article about my first year in Hive but hivebuzz dot me is not working right now so I don't get a badge.

Thank you and let us ride some more into our second year! Yes the SQL being unavailable has made things a little more difficult. Congratulations to a year for you, you have done spectacular here so far 😊

Thank you so much. I will just blog about it once the badge is available. haha.

Oh amigo happy Hive Anniversary!!!!🤩🙌🎉 I'm so happy you are here😉 and growing so fast and so well really and I wish you the best!
Take care with all that medication actually I have seen you have being less present here lately but first take care and then enjoy Hive and be successful as you already are!💖🤗

Thanks Amiga. Glad to have been here this long and thank you so much for being my onboarder. ♥️ 🤗

Your observation is correct, plus son has had back to back basketball games (Friday & Saturday)


Dear @duvinca, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @coolmidwestguy.

Dear @coolmidwestguy, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @duvinca.

Happy 1st Anniversary here on Hive Bob.thank u for being my guide and my inspiration why I tried my luck here

Thank you Alice for the kind words and you are very welcome :)


Dear @bigeyes2012, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @coolmidwestguy.

You're welcome Bob

Wow! Time flies so fast! Happy Anniversary.

You must be pretty active here in the last 12 months.

Thank you. Time has flown but looking back sometimes it's seems like it's been a bit 😊

For me, I've been pretty active.

Congrats on your first year on Hive and good call to focus on the best chain only. I still have no idea why people still bother with other ones.

Anyway, hope you feel better soon and get back to your routine both in real life and on Hive.

btw, I think you meant 1000 and not 1000k in staked Hive 🙃

Thank you so much. Hopefully my body gets use to medicine soon. I have the morning sickness feeling for the first few hours.

Haha yes I meant 1K not 1000k haha.


Happy Hiversary! Glad you are really consistent now, especially I like how you keep consistent to make engagement 😊

Thank you @anggreklestari 💚

When there time I always try to make engagement.

It's always fun reading your simple earthy recipes you provide to all us.

Happy Hivesarry 👌👏

Thank you so much 😊

Wow. Time does fly so fast.. Now you are 1year old sure gain more friends just like you did on read because you are consistent in what you do..
Happy Anniversary to you! Is there any celebration out there? You should make us some ice cream hehe


Is there any celebration out there?

Just here and now with you so far,hehe


If you ever get the chance to go to India
You have to try their New Delhi

Credit: reddit
@jane1289, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of coolmidwestguy

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Wohoo! 🥳 congrats on your first Hive birthday!! Is it just me, or does it seem like you've been here longer than that?! Cheers to your accomplishments 🍻

Thank you. It went by quick but took awhile, hehe.

Happy anniversary! I wish you many more beautiful Hive moments here! 🥳

Thank you for dropping you wishes 😊

You've come a long way, big bro! Hats off!

Thank you I much appreciate that Country Girl 😊

Awesome man! Happy anniversary! I remember when I came across your intro post and was really hoping that you’d turn out to be a solid user! I know that was definitely accurate! We’ve had some that looked great but fizzled out so there’s always a reserved thought to it, will they stay or leave?

What’s your community called and link? I’ll subscribe to it right now!

Hopefully you feel better man, I know changes like that can take you for a journey that’s for sure.

Thanks for stopping by and dropping your good words, it's appreciated. I'm glad I was one that stuck 😊 Its been a great journey so far and look forward to the road ahead.

Looks like you found community according to my notifications, be there soon, haha.

Feeling a bit better don't know if my body is adjusting to medicine or if it is wearing off. I take another dose today so time will tell. I did write about it some but I felt it was a little revealing so I never published. Hey we all have our thresholds on what to reveal, haha. It's been kind of affecting my activity as of late but I'll be back soon. Not just that been busy with some other things as well.

Take care and once again I appreciate your presence on my hive anniversary post here .

For sure man! I hear you on the posts that you draft up but don’t commit to the chain. I’ve got two that are like that and I think it’s at the point now where I can finally delete them. They won’t get posted and that’s okay. We don’t share every detail and I think that’s important!

Hopefully you adjust to it all. Just make sure to take a multivitamin too with your stuff daily! Vitamins can’t be understated!

Congratulations. You're a great blogger and it's shown in the time you've been here. You write from your daily life, you express your affection and you are committed not only to your own growth but also to the growth of those with whom you share. It's a nice way to give and receive love.

A big hug and I wish you get well soon.

Thank you Amiga. That's really a wonderful comment and compliment.

Much better first morning since Thursday Im not feeling nauseous. The one good thing this past week is I have slept like a hibernating bear, haha. Take care.


It seems that sleep has been good for you. Maybe you're at a fast pace, and you need to slow it down a bit. I'm glad you are recovering.

I've been in the slow mode for almost a month now. The sleep was needed though trust me I rarely sleep more than 5 hours a day. Thank you for your concerns 😊

Dear @nanixxx, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @coolmidwestguy.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@jane1289(1/5) tipped @coolmidwestguy

Congrats and happy birthday on hive♥️ wishing more progress for you in the future.

Thank you so much. I wish the same to you before you know it you will be at a year 😊 Happy Sunday, Day off right ?


@coolmidwestguy, sorry!

You are out of hugs for today.

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HUG in walletcalls per day

Yes, day off yesterday😁. A lot of things here still I cannot understand.😌

What are some of those things? I'll help if I can.

I tell you next time.. maybe after Chinese new year, maybe that time I can have more time to spend here.

Alright no worries/hurries. Hope you don't get too busy this week 🙏