A Day Full of Wonderful Memories | Hive Christmas Party 2023!🥂

in Loving HIVE ❤6 months ago


Happiness is a collection of joyful experiences shared with soul friends. Get together and have some fun!

- Amy Leigh Mercree

Happiness is not just an individual pursuit but rather a composite of joyful experiences that are shared with close and meaningful connections, referred to as "soul friends." By getting together and having fun, this shows the importance of relationships and shared moments in cultivating a fulfilling and joyous life.


Hi my dear hivers! Happy New Year to all of you! It's been a week since my last posting and today I'm back because I'm so excited to share with you the first ever Hive Christmas Party of Cebu bloggers held in Sogod, Cebu. This was a bit late because I was enjoying the holidays but I guess, late is better than never, right? 😅 So, I hope you'll enjoy reading!


It was the 26th of December when we had our Hive Christmas Party held in Sacaan Tropical Breeze Resort. It was located in Sacaan, Tabunok, Sogod,Cebu. We rode a tricycle going there with my co -hivers. It took us almost an hour to travel since it is far from the national highway.


And now we're here! Welcome everyone. Before I bring you to the main event, I will have a tour of this resort so come and join me. Let's go!


This is the main entrance of the resort and on the right side, it is the place where you can park your car or motorcycle.


Also, they have available rooms for people who would like to stay.


This is their lobby area where the receptionist welcomed us with her charming smile. A billiard station for billiard lovers and me making a pose for this wonderful place.

Note: I asked permission from the receptionist about taking pictures of the place.


The pool's undeniable charm lies not only in its clear waters but in the joy it promises. And that's what it gives to the children playing in front of me. Their smiles and laughters echoed all over the place.


Here are some of the places that are picturesque and I can't help but be photographed. Thanks to my photographer @annetimistic for this awesome shots! ❤️





For more information about the place, you can visit their Facebook page Sacaan Tropical Breeze Resort and you can use Waze or Google maps for its location.


I. Introduction


The program started at ten o'clock in the morning hosted by Ma'am @callmesmile with an enthusiastic introduction, setting a positive mood to everyone. She then announced the impromptu presentation of the bloggers. The participants then grouped themselves into four with five members each for the Daygon Contest and had a final practice for a couple of minutes.

II. Presentation of Hawaiian Outfit


Each participant took center stage for the presentation of their Hawaiian outfit, adding a vibrant touch to the occasion. This is what made the event super fun and lively as the attendees showed their creative side by walking like a super model in their Hawaiian outfit. The judge Sir @kimybanez had a hard time deciding who is the best among all the participants. And after a long time of thinking, these five participants are the chosen ones. The best of these five is none other than Miss @pieceofgwyn. She's wearing a Hawaiian dress, slipper, and earrings perfect for the theme.

III. Daygon Contest Performance


Before presenting the Daygon Contest of each group, Sir @kimybanez shared his Welcome Remarks to generally welcome all the guests and must enjoy the event.


The groups had their presentation and it was so amazing. Since most of the bloggers are teachers , it is evident that even without much time to practice, teachers are really creative in their own way and still manage to perform artistically.




Since everyone is hungry, and it's already past 12 in the afternoon. We decided to have our lunch. What we had for lunch is chopsuey, lechon Manok, and other dishes paired with gulaman and macaroons for dessert. All the participants enjoyed the food and definitely had a happy tummy.

IV. Games


The game masters namely @heyitsjian and @iamgagz prepared an enjoyable set of games which added excitement and laughter into the celebration. The first game is about the pingpong balls above the plastic cup. The goal is to make the pingpong balls fall from the top of the plastic cup.


The other game that I had fun with is "Trip to Jerusalem" and "Yes or No Challenge".
I didn't win but luckily my friend @annetimistic won. She got the hive t-shirt as a reward. She was so happy as seen in her face and definitely I was so happy for her too.


V. Exchange of Gifts (Manito Manita)


The highlight of the day was the exchange of gifts in the Manito Manita tradition, with a unique twist—attendees had to describe their pair based on their wishlist and codename before giving the gift. My Christmas gift pair has a codename bossbabe and what she wants is a bowl for serving food so I describe her as a wife material and a food lover. I hope she likes the gift tho.


On the other hand, my manita gave me black pants as I had it on my wishlist. Thank you so much!🥳
Everyone received their gift already so we opened it together and smiles are shown in their faces.



To end this special gathering, @indayclara then expressed words of gratitude, acknowledging the collective spirit that made the event memorable. We owe this event to her. Thank you so much Ma'am for organizing this wonderful event.


Also, Sir @kimybanez shared his wonderful message which made us inspired and stay motivated as bloggers.

All you're efforts and dedication to make this gathering happen is unmeasurable. From the bottom of our hearts ( my heart), thank you!❤️ Surely, everyone went home with wide smiles in their faces.





Personally, what made this event wonderful and memorable is that I get to meet my high school classmates @rhianmaker and @annetimistic. It was a great time catching up and talking about life.




Finally, the day concluded with everyone coming together for a group picture capturing the joyous moments shared during this delightful gathering. And of course, a dip in the pool.

If you have come to this part of my blog, thank you so much. I hope to see you again soon🤗.
Once again, this is @marie.creates saying "We create our own life story, so make it meaningful and wonderful". God bless everyone!


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Our Hive Power Delegations to the December PUM Winners
Feedback from the January Hive Power Up Day
Announcing the Winners of HiveBuzz's Yearly Author Badge for 2023!

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I love seeing you all happy. Been wanting to join the Hive party, unfortunately I have other errands to do. Hopefully I can join next time. See you all soon hivers.

We are indeed super happy! Moments like this are worth having. Hoping next time you will be able to attend.

One of the highlights of 2023

Definitely! One of the best moments in 2023.🥳

Glad to meet you Ma'am @marie.creates🙂Hope we could be together again with our Co-Hivers🙏🙂❤️

Glad to meet you too Ma'am @lovinglymers. You're one of the most thoughtful person I know. Hopefully I could meet you again in the future! 😊

So glad to meet you again Mam @marie.creates and to all our Co-Hivers🙂❤️

Wow! Congratulations everyone! Grabe yung teamwork ninyo and that you all hot together for the party. I envy you all haha. I love you guys

Thank you for dropping by @yoieuqudniram. We love you too! 😊


Keep up the good work with Woc, @marie.creates! kairke(7/8) is appreciative of the time and dedication you've put into writing this post. Your efforts are truly valued.

This post is truly outstanding! @kairke wants to show their appreciation with a gift of 0.3 WGOLD. Keep doing what you're doing!

BTW! WGOLD is the token of the War of Clans ecosystem, you can use it to have discounts in all our games or stake it and earn rewards now!

It was a memorable day indeed.

Absolutely @annetimistic. I'm waiting for your post! 😉

I can say, that in all o the christmas party I attended, opening of gifts was the most exciting part!

Me too! @melancholiaa. The priceless reaction after receiving a gift from someone.