Making Year-End Memories with Co- Hivers @Sacaan Tropical Breeze Resort

in Loving HIVE ❤6 months ago

Widen your horizon and get to know more people for you to get to know more about yourself.


Hello hivers! I am alive and kicking and will be back into blogging after being missing for almost a month😅. I don't have enough reason for my readers to give why I took a pause blogging but I am sure that this time you'll get more of my blogs starting now.

Without further ado, I'll start sharing with you my one of the cherished moments done this month. That is The Hawaiian Themed Hive Christmas Party which was made possible by Miss @indayclara, sir @ybanezkim26, and of course my fellow hivers who attended the party.


Please bear with me as I share with you a glimpse of my short-time bond with the group.

Better Late than Never 😅

I woke up early because I'm pretty excited with the event. But as the hours go by I've enjoyed my time spending and playing with my niece and nephew because I seldomly went home and enjoyed their company.


The clock is ticking still am not preparing until my social butterfly has lost its eagerness to went to the party. Then I thought, it's a waste of money and experience if I won't take this chance. I won't be able to meet and greet my fellow hivers and leave my mañanita disappointed for she will not be able to receive and exchange gifts and I don't want to let that happen.

Around 9 am I started preparing then I realized I haven't done the errand given to me which was to wash the dishes we made during our breakfast, so I had to do the chores. It was already 10 when I received a message from sir @intoy.bugoy asking if where I was already, then I replied hurriedly saying I was on my way when in fact I was still preparing my things since after the party we would be headed to Pardo, my current location since I was married.

After preparing and bidding goodbyes to my family, we then hurriedly start driving to the destination. I checked my maps and it said it'll be 45 minutes before we will arrive and as I checked my phone it will be 12noon already. Luckily there's no traffic so we were able to be there around 11.



When I arrived I was quite hesitant to be part of the group since I was late. Who would be proud presenting yourself late, right?

They were already announcing the winners of the best dressed in Hawaiian costume. There were 5 nominees but only 1 won the special prize which is the hive t-shirt.



I see that everyone was enjoying and had the best times. Before we had our lunch the party organizers had two last games the "Hip Hip Hurray" kind of game but was changed to "Pasko,paksiw" afterwards, was the trip to Jerusalem game.

While I was sitting quietly on the side, @indayclara mentioned my name and asked me to join the game. I was still hesitant at first then later I realized that I should participate because this is the only contribution I can give since I came late also😅.

What made the game memorable is that @indayclara just suddenly appeared sitting on my lap which I was also shocked because I was not expecting it to happen.

(I haven't any photos during this time because I was also enjoying the game.)

The game goes on and I almost win. Unluckily I was not able to beat @selflessgem and was not to sit the chair before the music ends though I was able to have a chocolate for the consolation prize.


After the game we had our picture taking by table and then we proceeded to lunch.






After lunch we had our last game and a presentation performed by 2 groups then had our exchange gifts.

Exchange gifts

During our exchanging of gifts, we are going to describe the receiver based on how we perceived them by their given code name.



The exchanging of gifts had started until it was my turn to receive mine. I received my gift from @jobeliever and I am to give the gift to Tinkerbell.
P.S.I forget her name here on hive.


We then have our picture taking before and after the opening of gifts.

And here is the gift I received. It's cute, comfy and classy. Thank you maám @jobeliever for this classy sandal :).



Later, we were given hive tote bags prepared by @ybanezkim26 and @indayclara




Afterward, we had our picture taking in one of the scenic view the Sacaan Tropical Beach Resort can offer.






My takeaway with this event

We were able to have a mini-reunion with my high school friends @annetimistic and @marie.creates



With @indayclara having her sexy pose😍.




I was also able to get to know a little familiar with the faces of my co-hivers. I may not talk to them but at least we had exchanged smiles and glances. But honestly, I felt a little bit awkward with myself because I felt like they already knew each other and I only knew a few in the group but the overall experience was fun and memorable.




Sacaan Tropical Breeze Resort's Beauty

Here's what the enticing view they can offer.









And that is all for this blog. I hope you enjoyed reading my share of the moments I experienced.

This has been @rhianmaker, always reminding you to take your time enjoying, breathing, and chilling. May we have a prosperous New Year everyone.❤️

Together let's have a fresh start this 2024 ❤️.

Ciao ❤️


And here is the gift I received. It's cute, comfy and classy. Thank you maám @jobeliever for this classy sandal :).

You're very much welcome mam. And I'm glad that you liked it🥰🫶. Nice meeting you in person. You're as beautiful as your name🥰🥰

Thank you so much ma'am. I really loved it and am still wondering where will I wear it. I was expecting flat ones but was surprised when it has heels on it. It really is nice. Nice meeting you too ma'am 😊🥰🥰

wow... great hive party done by you all.... like the tote bag... i wish to get one.. 😜😜

Claire will always claire a ray of extrovertness all around engaging with everyone.

Good thing that you had joined the event. This is precious as you had the chance to get in touch with folks that you only knew by their username and pics.

Exactly, it is also new to me attending occasions you only knew online and it really helps in creating bonds.

Looks like a fun experience with other Hive users! Christmas party and meetup, I want to experience it too with some of you.

Happy new year 🎊

It was really fun and memorable for everyone.

I am so happy you came! You were the most memorable new face I have seen. obviously because of the trip to jerusalem game! I think we have it on our video! Can't wait to edit it out. 😂

You should come more often to our meetups or hive orientations. I really appreciate u coming and joining in on the fun!

The shocking face will be revealed after you edit out the video😅
I will be very willing on joining next time if I will be near the location😅 and thank you so much ma'am for making me feel welcomed🥰.

This is the power of Hive; bringing people together as one family. I can see you guys had so much fun. It will be great to see more of these meetups this year.

And it really builds strong bonds and friendship and hopefully more meet ups as the hive grows bigger.

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😉🌈 looks like a great fun time!

I am jealous.. I luv dairy milk! 😋

@marie.creates and I were glad that you arrived on that day. Anyway, it was a memorable day to have bonding with the co-hivers.