🍓 {17/01/24} ✦ 15 Unconventional tips to be successful in Hive 🏆 🐝 💕 ✦ 🇪🇸 │ 🇺🇸

in Loving HIVE ❤4 months ago


✦ Welcome 💕 You can find the English Version below! ✦

Pronto voy a cumplir 6 años en la Blockchain de Hive y quiero celebrarlo haciendo un aporte para los nuevos y no tan nuevos usuarios.

Muchas personas realmente talentosas y de distintas partes del mundo están trabajando apasionadamente por dar a conocer Hive.

Ya existen colecciones completas de artículos, tutoriales, instructivos, videos y podcast muy bien hechos explicando cómo funciona la plataforma.

Reglas, tecnicismos, ecosistema, comunidades, votos, la moneda, los fronts, todo ha sido cubierto, las explicaciones bien hechas abundan y la información ha sido condensada magistralmente y actualizada con amorosa frecuencia por usuarios a quienes admiro y respeto.


✦ Many different possibilities, what will I do? ✦

¿Pero qué pasa con las palabras fáciles?

¿Qué pasa con las preguntas más simples, con las inseguridades más naturales?


✦ All the materials are here, but the ideas need time to be refined ✦

En mi caso, he encontrado que el principal elemento que impide que las personas se registren en Hive o acepten una cuenta gratis cuando se las ofreces, es que les da miedo.

  • Hive atrae a los visitantes porque se ve exclusivo, misterioso, y fructífero.

  • Hive da miedo a los visitantes porque parece complicado, hermético, y estricto.


✦ Sometimes I try to prepare small things before the main idea takes shape ✦

La gente no va a registrarse en la plataforma aunque entienda todas sus maravillas de fondo y heroicos antecedentes; la gente va a registrarse cuando la parte más básica en su impronta se perciba apto y bienvenido…

(Cosa que logra la descomunal maquinaria de ingeniería social producida por el ejercito de psicólogos y especialistas que pagan las grandes corporaciones para ajustar hasta el más pequeño detalle de la estética y funcionalidad de las redes sociales convencionales.)


✦ If I think about it too much I will never start, and once I start it is important to concentrate on what you want to transmit... ✦

Si es tu caso, permite que esta “veterana” te ayude, porque aunque cumpliré pronto 6 años en Hive, he tenido blogs en distintas plataformas y de diferentes temas desde los 15 años.

Mi conclusión después de todos estos años es que todos amamos a la gente apasionada, y que si tu escribes o hablas sobre lo que te emociona, esa emoción es contagiosa y la inevitable consecuencia es convertirte en una agradable y brillante disonancia en el medio de un mar demasiado tranquilo.


✦ ...and I am not talking about the projects in the photos, I am talking about writing for Hive✦

Pocos son lo suficientemente valientes para permitirse ser ellos mismos.

Así que ésta es mi carta de amor y tarjeta de presentación para ti, potencial usuario, o viejo amigo, para ayudarte a identificar tu valor sin importar quien seas o de donde vengas, y para ayudarte a encontrar la manera de cómo proyectarlo felizmente aquí.


✦ I have found that the best formula is not to think too much ✦

✦ En Hive tu rareza será tu fortaleza ✦

  1. El sentimiento de querer “encajar en el grupo” es natural, pero un error que cometen muchos en Hive es imitar al pie de la letra lo que ven hacer a otros, especialmente a los usuarios que les presentan como “buenos ejemplos”. No lo hagas.

  2. Tomate tu tiempo en encontrar tu propio estilo, para eso plantéate preguntas, y para saber qué preguntas plantearte puedes comenzar anotando en papel y lápiz 2 cosas: Primero, ¿quién eres tú?, segundo, tus 3 temas favoritos.

  3. Anotar quién eres tú no es lo mismo que qué haces tú. Quién eres tu tiene que ver con tu historia personal, personalidad, pasiones, conocimientos, aspiraciones y sueños.

  4. Las cosas que hagas como tu carrera, oficios, pasatiempos, hobbies y habilidades es el qué haces tú, y también debes anotarlos.

  5. Cuando tengas tus 3 temas favoritos anotados, no te cohíbas si alguno es demasiado específico o extraño.

  6. La forma de expresarte importa, un buen punto de partida es escribir como si le hablaras a un buen amigo.

  7. Permítete explorar y experimentar con diferentes combinaciones: Mucho texto, poco texto, muchas imágenes, pocas imágenes, experimenta con la edición todo lo que quieras y prueba cada estilo que se te ocurra. Prueba las cosas por ti mismo.

  8. Tener miedo de hacer el ridículo es natural, así que no te diré que “no tengas miedo”, en cambio te animo a “ser valiente” y permitirte a ti mismo compartir lo que quieres decir.

  9. No te fuerces en aparentar ser alguien que no eres, esto siempre termina mal.

  10. Ser genuino y espontaneo es uno de los elementos más atractivos en un autor, y serlo hara sostenible tu estancia en Hive.

  11. Acepta que no siempre te gustara hablar de las mismas cosas, y que es posible que lo que hoy te apasiona sea un tema al que no regreses porque ya cumplió su ciclo, y que eso está bien.

  12. No permitas que variar de nicho y expandir tus tópicos te generen una crisis de identidad. Hacer vida en Hive puede ser un ejercicio de autodescubrimiento.

  13. No persigas la perfección, porque no existe, pero esfuérzate en pulir aquello en lo que eres bueno o te gusta.

  14. Las estrategias son una ayuda, pero si tu cronograma te asfixia suéltalo antes de que marchite tu motivación.

  15. Tomar descansos está bien. La comunidad de Hive tiene buena memoria.


✦ If I worry too much about getting something perfect, my original idea will be constantly contaminated ✦

Tu valor como usuario en Hive desde mi perspectiva tiene que ver con lo apasionado que seas en uno o muchos temas, con tu intensión de compartir, aportar o aprender de otras personas, porque después de todo esto es una red social pero a la vez un espacio que puede servir como portafolio personal, diario, o espacio seguro.

Cómo compartirás todo eso depende de ti, fotos, videos, texto o todo al mismo tiempo, con el tiempo encontrarás tu propio lenguaje y ritmo visual, porque si, la clave de un buen “post” así como de todo elemento multimedia que pretenda transmitir un mensaje, es el ritmo.


✦ It will take time for you to learn to relax and it is perfectly normal to feel cautious at first ✦

No te cuestiones si eres o no lo suficientemente bueno para Hive.

Plantéate mejor si Hive es o no un espacio en el que te gustaría participar, del que te gustaría formar parte, porque si, Hive no es para todos, porque no a todos les gusta escribir, no a todos les gusta tomar fotos, no a todos les gusta grabar videos, y no a todos les gusta hablar con otras personas.

Pero si tienes curiosidad y por el contrario sí te gusta alguna de las cosas arriba mencionadas, puedes estar seguro que el día que te registres no serás “una persona más”, cada nuevo usuario es un acontecimiento y es celebrado con muchísima expectativa.


✦ You will find that the less you judge yourself by sharing what you like, the more people will be able to identify with you ✦

No todos los que tienen o quieren usar redes sociales quieren ser creadores de contenido, pero todos quieren pertenecer a algo, expresar algo, o un lugar al que regresar para recordar algo… porque después de todo el ser humano es un ser social.


✦ Writing and talking about perfectly correct and formal things all the time is sterile; your life is not a form in a clinical laboratory ✦

"¿Para qué quiero un perfil en Hive, si ya tengo Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, TikTok, y Twitter?"
Hive es una red social no sobresaturada: Las posibilidades de sobresalir son elevadísimas.
Hive es una alternativa segura para tu contenido: Existirá por siempre y nunca será alterado por terceros.
Hive es una opción inmediata para monetizar: Desde el instante de su creación tu blog está habilitado para recibir recompensas.
Hive es una oportunidad: No existe en el planeta actualmente, una red social como esta.
Hive es un sitio seguro: Ser amable con todos y que todos sean amables contigo es un requerimiento universal dentro de la plataforma.
Hive está libre de algoritmos: Tu contenido siempre será visible para todos por igual.
Hive va de lo pequeño a lo grande: Aquí es bienvenida tu selfie, y también tu (inédita) novela o libro.
Hive no te ve como un producto: No te espía. Cero “publicidad personalizada”.


✦ More complicated does not mean better. Too many options can be overwhelming in the end ✦

Me gustaría ver a otros usuarios abordar el tema de Hive desde lo simple, que no debe ser subestimado, con palabras sencillas y un tono dulce (¿a quién no le gusta que le hablen bonito?) y quizá en las necesidades más básicas y simples del ser humano, encontraremos la respuesta sobre cómo presentar Hive al público general.

A los que no les interesa la política (izquierda o derecha, centralizado o descentralizado).

A los que no les interesa -por el momento- el tema criptográfico (descubrir la horrible verdad detrás del dinero FIAT).

A los que usan forzosamente otros espacios por presión social porque “tu yo digital es el que refleja tu valor como persona”.


✦ It is healthy to allow curiosity to grow in everyone little by little, we all have different times ✦

Cuando me preguntan mis motivos para usar Hive, mi respuesta siempre consigue de los demás una entrañable expresión de sorpresa:

Hive es mi lugar seguro porque aquí no existen las dinámicas sociales toxicas.

No hay stalkers, no hay acosadores. Las interacciones deben ser amables y lo contrario esta sancionado.


✦ In other networks anyone can make an account and like anon harass you or say horrible things to you for no reason either publicly or privately ✦

¿Es bastante simple, verdad?

Seguridad, y gentileza (o en su defecto respetuoso silencio).


✦ Social networks are supposed to be fun, and they're not, they haven't been fun for a long time ✦

Pero algo tan “simple” que me garantiza Hive, la realidad de que nunca seré agredida o discriminada por como soy, es algo que no me da Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, TikTok, o Twitter, donde esta horriblemente normalizado las interacciones sórdidas, o que un completo extraño se sienta con la libertad y autoridad de decirte cosas realmente fuera de lugar, extrañas o invasivas.


✦ Maybe what I say sounds silly but for me it is important and it is the reason why I continue and will continue here, even if there were no rewards, Hive is infinitely better than other spaces, which are too overcrowded and contaminated ✦

¡Por supuesto que tengo más razones que esa si te lo estas preguntando!, pero ese es el motivo por el que llegué aquí hace 6 años, y seguirá siendo la razón por la que me quede.

Mientras pueda seguir compartiendo mis días con tranquilidad, mientras pueda seguir leyendo a otras personas inteligentes e increíblemente talentosas sin preocuparme de que algún algoritmo malicioso oculte su contenido, mientras mi contenido siga siendo mío, mientras la Blockchain lo resguarde de cualquier “loco con dinero”, Hive es y seguirá siendo la mejor red social para mí, y un lugar del que nunca me arrepentiré de haberle invertido mi tiempo y afecto.


✦ I am happy here at Hive, and I will continue to recommend it to my friends in the hope that they will find here what they cannot find elsewhere. Sites that generate them anxiety and worries instead of being reciprocal tools with their work, time and talents ✦

¡En resumen! ~ Tomate tu tiempo para reconocer quien eres, para identificar el mensaje que quieres transmitir, y valora cada peculiaridad en tu personalidad como la fuente de recursos principal para tu contenido; encontraras que es casi infinito por sus ramificaciones, y no olvides que el camino tu emoción es y sera siempre contagiosa, y por tanto tu mejor aliada para conectar con otras personas 💖 Stay true to yourself 💖

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)


✦ Welcome! Welcome! You don't have to agree with the things I say here. It's just the opinion of a simple user who values the safety of a quiet environment to share her creative adventures, and who reflects on the things she likes about Hive ✦

Soon I'm going to be 6 years on the Hive Blockchain and I want to celebrate by making a contribution for new and not so new users.

Many really talented people from different parts of the world are working passionately to spread the word about Hive.

There are already complete collections of articles, tutorials, how-to's, videos and podcasts explaining how the platform works.

Rules, technicalities, ecosystem, communities, votes, the currency, the fronts, everything has been covered, well-done explanations abound and the information has been masterfully condensed and updated with loving frequency by users whom I admire and respect.


✦ Many different possibilities, what will I do? ✦

But what about easy words?

What about the simplest questions, the most natural insecurities?


✦ All the materials are here, but the ideas need time to be refined ✦

In my case, I have found that the main element that keeps people from signing up for Hive or accepting a free account when you offer it to them, is that it scares them.

  • Hive attracts visitors because it looks exclusive, mysterious, and fruitful.

  • Hive is scary to visitors because it seems complicated, hermetic, and strict.


✦ Sometimes I try to prepare small things before the main idea takes shape ✦

People are not going to sign up for the platform even if they understand all its wonderful background and heroic antecedents; people are going to sign up when the most basic part of their imprint is perceived to be apt and welcome...

(Which is achieved by the massive social engineering machinery produced by the army of psychologists and specialists paid by large corporations to tweak even the smallest detail of the aesthetics and functionality of conventional social networks).


✦ If I think about it too much I will never start, and once I start it is important to concentrate on what you want to transmit... ✦

If this is your case, let this "veteran" help you, because although I will soon be 6 years in Hive, I have been blogging on different platforms and on different topics since I was 15 years old.

My conclusion after all these years is that we all love passionate people, and that if you write or talk about what excites you, that excitement is contagious and the inevitable consequence is to become a nice, shiny dissonance in the middle of a sea that is too calm.


✦ ...and I am not talking about the projects in the photos, I am talking about writing for Hive✦

Few are brave enough to allow themselves to be themselves.

So this is my love letter and business card to you, potential user, or old friend, to help you identify your value no matter who you are or where you come from, and to help you figure out how to happily project it here.


✦ I have found that the best formula is not to think too much ✦

✦ In Hive, your rarity will be your strongest attribute ✦

  1. The feeling of wanting to "fit in" is natural, but one mistake many make on Hive is imitating to the letter what they see others doing, especially users who hold up to them as "good examples." Don't do it.

  2. Take your time to find your own style, so ask yourself questions, and to know what questions to ask yourself you can start by writing down on paper and pencil 2 things: First, who are you?, second, your 3 favorite subjects.

  3. Writing down who you are is not the same as what you do. Who you are has to do with your personal history, personality, passions, knowledge, aspirations and dreams.

  4. The things you do such as your career, trades, hobbies, and skills is the what you do, and you should also write them down.

  5. Once you have your 3 favorite topics written down, don't shy away if any of them are too specific or strange.

  6. The way you express yourself matters, a good starting point is to write as if you were talking to a good friend.

  7. Allow yourself to explore and experiment with different combinations: lots of text, little text, lots of images, few images, experiment with editing as much as you want and try every style you can think of. Try things out for yourself.

  8. Being afraid of making a fool of yourself is natural, so I won't tell you to "don't be afraid", instead I encourage you to "be brave " and allow yourself to share what you want to say.

  9. Don't force yourself to appear to be someone you are not, this always ends badly.

  10. Being genuine and spontaneous is one of the most attractive elements in an author, and being so will make sustainable your stay at Hive.

  11. Accept that you will not always like to talk about the same things, and that it is possible that what you are passionate about today is a topic you will not return to because it has already fulfilled its cycle, and that this is okay.

  12. Don't let changing your niche and expanding your topics create an identity crisis. Living in Hive can be an exercise in self-discovery.

  13. Do not pursue perfection, because it does not exist, but strive to polish what you are good at or what you like.

  14. Strategies are a help, but if your schedule is suffocating you let go before your motivation withers.

  15. Taking breaks is okay. The Hive community has a good memory.


✦ If I worry too much about getting something perfect, my original idea will be constantly contaminated ✦

Your value as a user on Hive from my perspective has to do with how passionate you are on one or many topics, with your intention to share, contribute or learn from other people, because after all this is a social network but at the same time a space that can serve as a personal portfolio, diary, or safe space.

How you will share all that depends on you, photos, videos, text or all at the same time, with time you will find your own language and visual rhythm, because yes, the key of a good "post" as well as of any multimedia element that pretends to transmit a message, is the rhythm.


✦ It will take time for you to learn to relax and it is perfectly normal to feel cautious at first ✦

Don't question whether or not you are good enough for Hive.

Think about whether or not Hive is a space that you would like to participate in, that you would like to be part of, because yes, Hive is not for everyone, because not everyone likes to write, not everyone likes to take pictures, not everyone likes to record videos, and not everyone likes to talk to other people.

But if you are curious and on the contrary you do like some of the things mentioned above, you can be sure that the day you register you will not be "just another person", every new user is an event and is celebrated with great expectation.


✦ You will find that the less you judge yourself by sharing what you like, the more people will be able to identify with you ✦

Not everyone who has or wants to use social networks wants to be a content creator, but everyone wants to belong to something, express something, or a place to go back to remember something... because after all human beings are social beings.


✦ Writing and talking about perfectly correct and formal things all the time is sterile; your life is not a form in a clinical laboratory ✦

"Why do I want a profile on Hive, if I already have Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, TikTok, and Twitter?"
Hive is a social network that is not oversaturated: The chances of standing out are very high.
Hive is a secure alternative for your content: It will exist forever and will never be altered by third parties.
Hive is an immediate option to monetize: From the moment of its creation your blog is enabled to receive rewards.
Hive is an opportunity: There is no social network like this one on the planet today.
Hive is a safe place: Being nice to everyone and everyone being nice to you is a universal requirement within the platform.
Hive is algorithm-free: Your content will always be visible to everyone equally.
Hive goes from small to big: Your selfie is welcome here, as well as your (unpublished) novel or book.
Hive does not see you as a product: It does not spy on you. Zero "personalized advertising".


✦ More complicated does not mean better. Too many options can be overwhelming in the end ✦

I would like to see other users approach the topic of Hive from the simple, which should not be underestimated, with simple words and a sweet tone (who doesn't like to be spoken nice?) and maybe in the most basic and simple needs of the human being, we will find the answer on how to present Hive to the general public.

Those who don't care about politics (left or right, centralized or decentralized).

Those who are not interested -for the moment- in cryptographic issues (discovering the horrible truth behind FIAT money).

Those who are forced to use other spaces by social pressure because "your digital self is the one that reflects your value as a person".


✦ It is healthy to allow curiosity to grow in everyone little by little, we all have different times ✦

When I am asked my reasons for using Hive, my answer always gets an endearing expression of surprise from others:

Hive is my safe place because There are no toxic social dynamics here.

There are no stalkers, no harassers. Interactions must be friendly and the opposite is sanctioned.


✦ In other networks anyone can make an account and like anon harass you or say horrible things to you for no reason either publicly or privately ✦

It's pretty simple, isn't it?

Security, and gentleness (or, failing that, respectful silence).


✦ Social networks are supposed to be fun, and they're not, they haven't been fun for a long time ✦

But something so "simple" that guarantees me Hive, the reality that I will never be assaulted or discriminated against because of who I am, is something I don't get from Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, TikTok, or Twitter, where it is horribly normalized to sordid interactions, or for a complete stranger to feel the freedom and authority to say really out of line, weird, or invasive things to you.


✦ Maybe what I say sounds silly but for me it is important and it is the reason why I continue and will continue here, even if there were no rewards, Hive is infinitely better than other spaces, which are too overcrowded and contaminated ✦

Of course I have more reasons than that if you're wondering!, but that's the reason I got here 6 years ago, and it will continue to be the reason I stay.

As long as I can continue to share my days with peace of mind, as long as I can continue to read other smart and incredibly talented people without worrying about some malicious algorithm hiding their content, as long as my content remains mine, as long as the Blockchain safeguards it from any "crazy people with money", Hive is and will remain the best social network for me, and a place I will never regret investing my time and affection in.


✦ I am happy here at Hive, and I will continue to recommend it to my friends in the hope that they will find here what they cannot find elsewhere. Sites that generate them anxiety and worries instead of being reciprocal tools with their work, time and talents ✦

In summary! ~ Take your time to recognize who you are, to identify the message you want to convey, and value each peculiarity in your personality as the main source of resources for your content; you will find that it is almost infinite in its ramifications, and don't forget that the way your emotion is and will always be contagious, and therefore your best ally to connect with other people 💖 Stay true to yourself 💖

✨ 💙 Add me to your FanBase on HiveVote by CLICKING HERE! 💙 ✨

~ You must login to the site first, then click on the text above ~


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✨ 🍓 All texts and images by @Tesmoforia 🍓 ✨
🚨 ¡Please do not take, edit or republish my material without my permission! 🚨
💌 ¿Do you wish to contact me? [email protected] 💌
🌙 Banner, signature and separators by Keili Lares

⚜ 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚁𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝚁𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚍 / © 𝚃𝙴𝚂𝙼𝙾𝙵𝙾𝚁𝙸𝙰 - 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟾/𝟸𝟶𝟸4 ⚜


Hello over here! A little final note: When I encourage you to express yourself freely, it is to do it always taking into account the rules of each community, and the respect we must have for everyone else; respecting the space and the sensitivity of others should always be the most important thing.

Remember that every blog is a house and when we visit someone else's house we do it with consideration and a nice attitude 🌹 💖

Es lo más hermoso que he leído! Cada palabras se conecta mi lado del yo. 💟 Me he identificado en algunos temas y otros son de buena orientación que puede servir a futuro. Cuando se trata de ser uno mismo, ser espontáneo y abierta para demostrar el conocimiento y experiencia.

Los usuarios, han sido motivadores para seguir usando la plataforma hive. Incluso como nuevo fácilmente se puede moldear bien el ejemplo de otros, usando los recursos correcto para el post. pero sin copiar el contenido original.

Felicidades por 6 años!🎉 Eres una persona que admiro por ser tu misma 🤗💟