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RE: Universal Basic Income

in Hive SBI2 years ago

Nice to see this here @eroche; I have long been a fan of SBI and continue to be... and I am also a fan of the fundamental concept of UBI, on a bigger scale.

In fact, my entire reason for even finding the "old chain" in the first place was that a friend sent me a link to an article about a private UBI-like initiative and wanted my opinion about it... as it happened, that article had been published on Hive's predecessor, and pretty much the rest is history.

I don't see UBI as a "handout," so much as a sort of social safety net for those who might otherwise end up on public assistance. I think the fundamental idea that it could provide an absolutely bare bones survival for someone leaves the encouragement open to still want to do something productive with your life.

Here in the USA, there's a lot of skepticism of the idea though... with the typical excuse being that people would just sit in front of the TV and eat bon-bons if they didn't "have to" work. I just don't see that.

I like the idea of Hive and its growing network of free standing communities because it's actually income for SOMEthing, without it being an actual job, and for those who stick to it for long enough, it might even turn into a modest income stream simply via curation.



Here in the USA, there's a lot of skepticism of the idea though... with the typical excuse being that people would just sit in front of the TV and eat bon-bons if they didn't "have to" work. I just don't see that.

I think in many countries larger groups of peeps think the same. That's why experiments are so much required. I don't have the figures in hand, but some experiments in my country showed that when a certain state benefit with obligations (like for instance 2 job applications a week) was turned into UBI, ie same benefits but without any obligations, the majority of people would still do something, from continuing trying to find a paid job, to starting unpaid jobs, like becoming a volunteer.

Something really interesting in my country: With about 17M people living inside the borders of the Netherlands, around 7M people do some to more volunteer work already. That's a super large amount of peeps in my opinion. All these peeps do some 'job' whilst not getting paid for it. This shows to me, that by far the majority of people are good.