It's been a while since my last painting batch post, but its just because I'm enjoying painting very much that I don't wish to waste any spare times on writing articles or even retaking videos. So on today post is one of my large miniatures project. Its a mainstream miniatures from the latest Age Of Sigmar edition, and so we introduce the Killaboss On Great Gnashtoof!

To watch the full process of painting this unit, you could find it in this link



Great Gnashtoof Body

The great gnashtoof is painted with purple color using Naggaroth Night which are thinned using Lahmian Medium. This will give less opacity of the purple color and blend with the Abbadon Black as the primer. The mid parts of the body are colored with white stripes using White Scar, which should lighten the dark ambience of the beast. To blend the transition between the purple and white, I add a few Xereus Purple and extra amount of water for thinning down.

On the right posterior side there's a branded mark. I use Khorne Red thinned down using water, just to create a blood trace on the branded mark. For the coarse bristle grow on certain parts of the flest, I used Celestal Grey. Unfortunately on second thought, the color of bristle doesn't seemed to blend very well with the flesh. I guess a more purplish color should be better.


Cloth, Banner, and Flag

I took Rhinox Hide to color the basic cloth attaches to the killaboss and on the saddle of Gnashtoof. To make light reflection effect upoen the cloth, I used a combination between Steel Legion Drab and dry brush using Sylvaneth Bark. The tattered banner attaching to the back of Killaboss are colored using Army Painter Banshee Brown, and then washed using Dreadful Visage (contrast paint); this will give a dirty looks into the banner. There several ropes wrapped on parts of the bodies. To ropes are colored using Steel Legion Drab which will give it a feel of made from jute material. Agrax Earthshaden will run very well into the gap between strands and give more better contrast look.


Metallic Parts

I still use Leadbelchers as the main color for all the metallic parts. Leadbelchers have a higher tone aspect and therefore it will be easier to put highlight later on. The Scareshield still folow the original templates which is Mephiston Red. The tooth are colored using Runelord Brass.

Severed Heads

Severed heads are intresting parts. I tried to create 2 (two) impression, one for a cold corpse which already left for several days, and the other is freshled chopped corpse. Both I use Corpse Pale as the basic color. For the corpse attach to the banner I washed it using Nighthaunt Gloom. Meanwhile the severad heads dangling in the Scareshield are decorated with Blood For Blood God just to make the feel of freshly blood coming out.


Gnashtoof Cavity

The cavity will have a typical beast cavity, which is in brownish and reddish color. For this I use Bloodreaver Flesh. Nearing the lips and gum, I use Bugman's Glow which have more tint and should create better gradation as it near the outside part of cavity. Teeth are colored using Wraithbone. For the toung I decided to use Khorne Red since its more purpleish than Mephiston Red. To give more venomous looks, I create a very diluted Xereus Purple just to give purpleish shade.


Base And Surroundings

Agrelland Badland are used to cover the entire base, this should create impression of a desert location (although considering the existance of the foliage type suggest this will be better in swampland location). The debris of the building are colored grey using Dawnstone Layer.
