Making a flower beaded ring

in Jewelry2 months ago

Hello everyone
I hope you're all doing well?
It's another beautiful day and I'm so delighted to share with you how i made this beautiful flower beaded rings for my friends.

There's this friend of mine that we went shopping together, as we approached the supermarket, we were told to drops our bags inside their security shelf, so after that we started shopping and unaware that there was someone we might know who was also shopping.
Surprisingly, We meet one of our secondary Classmate who was also shopping there.
We exchanged pleasantries and we talked at length.
We didn't fail to speak about the memories we shared back in the days.
So along the line, my friend whom i went shopping with spotted a beaded flower ring on her fingers. She knowing that i deal on beads drew my attention to the rings on the other lady's finger.
After we were done shopping she ask if i could replicate the same ring and i told her yes, I can do it very well. Then she said no problem then i should make it for her in diferent colours so that she can use it on different occosion.
On getting home, i checked my box of beads and i realised i did not have some of the colours she demanded for.
I had to get go to the market so that i can buy the colours she needed for her. I made the beaded flower ring for her and she loved it.
She wore it to an event the other day and other people liked it, they ask her where she bought and she said to them that it was me that did it for her my follow jewelry lovers that was how i started making this flower beads for other people and they eventually started ordering for more. To think i did it for free for her ooo. I will have to get more of these colours as the demand is much and the colours are limited.

Here are the material i used:

  • Needle
  • small white, red, Yellow and purple beads.
  • Fishing line
  • A Stopper

These are the process i used:

  • Firstly i picked two of my needles, bend the fishing line and inserted the needle into the two edges of the fishing line.

  • Insert about five small beads into the fishing line through the help of the needle, then use the other edge of the needle to pass my fishing line into one of bead, which gives it a round like curve at the edge.

  • I then added Ten small bead at the left side of the needle into the fishing line and another Ten beads on the right needle into the fishing line.

  • Finally, I tired the two edges together and it gave a beautiful ring.

  • I repeated same steps for all the friendship bead collections i made.

So my follow lovers of jewelry, thanks so much for bribging this comutlnity to existence and for making me realize my tallent in making jewelries. I am greatful for this opportunity. Thanks for also reading throung my post and droping ur sweet comment.
One love.


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