Alhambra Granada!

Visiting this medieval palace and fortress of the Moorish rulers of the Kingdom of Granada in Andalusia! What I have always tough that was a world wonder! I was totally ready to check it off my list. but they apparently they can changes these wonders once in a while!

I saw the Christ statue in Brazil is on the list now, sorry if I offend you but that doesn't really feel like a world wonder to me!

But the Alhambra, that sounded like a nice place to visit! But that is what more people wanted to do! You need to buy a ticket and a time slot! But it's sold out for weeks... That was a bummer. Luckily you could buy a ticket to see the gardens around the palace! And that also very big!
About 140.000 m² big! So I took to much pictures again 😅 Here a start of a nice series about the palace gardens of the Alhambra!

Check out this view! On the left you see the castle and on the right the city of Granada!

This was at the end of the day, as you can see, it's in the middle of golden hour! The soft golden light was perfect!



See trough's and little path ways! What a wonderful place!






And the garden has gt many nice plants and trees, this is a pomegranate tree!



I love these shadows of those two people! The sun was really low already, to bad the park closed a half hour before sunset!



We were here in autumn as you can see, golden light and yellow trees, a unique combination!


A little to hard shady part in this picture but the golden light on the green was sweet! Maybe I need to zoom in on it a bit more next time! This also was the path to the exit! Thank you for reading my post!


Thank you for reading my post! And if you want to see all the places I have ever been to, just click on my Pinmapple profile!

And if you want to follow my daily life, I often post stories and pictures off all the tings I do in life on my Instagram account!


All of the pictures are so amazing
They are cute
Nice one!

Thank you 🙏🥰