A pen holder; DIY projects went wrong.

in DIYHublast month

I remembered some time last year when I was still so conversant with DIY projects. I love doing new things and also it's fun to have some waste recycled and see them become useful projects.

The flower vase

I remembered a time when I made a flower vase. It had a beautiful look but didn’t last the day at all, so I couldn’t even make a post about it at all. But the beautiful vase was made out of a used mayonnaise jar, coated with some aluminum foil, and glued to the jar, after which I got loamy soil in the decorative jar. I also harvested some flower stems and planted them.

What went wrong with this project was that there was no way I could punch holes in the bottom of the flower face, so when I added water to the flower to aid its growth, the flower had nowhere to drain from so it got the soil so moisturized and affected the plant itself.

The teapot.

There was a time in the DIYhub community when we got a prompt topic to make a teapot. I had so much thought about what to do, I thought of using a wasted plastic kettle and recycling it into a teapot.

After several trials, I could get something useful out of it because the tools needed were not even readily available at that time. Some of the tools needed, I have to buy them at a costly price. So I just abandoned the project.

While I was watching YouTube shorts I saw some students make use of some old newspapers, mash them together, and also make a plate from it. I love the idea behind the creativity. Then I decided to opt for the same too.

The tools I used were cartons, cold water starch, water, and teapot.

I was so happy to kickstart the project, but at some point, I realized I had failed. I was successful in making the papermash after soaking it in water for over 24 hours. Then the next was to add some starch to make it sticky and easy to mold.

After all these had been done I started mounting it on the teapot so the papermash could take the shape of the teapot while it was soft and wet, and then I had to sundry it after.

Diy went wrong when it was time for me to remove the mash from the teapot. I tried removing it but it had already been stocked with the glass teapot. There was no way to remove it so I thought of wetting it again or I would just dissect it with a blade or knife to remove it and then use glue to get it together again.

My decision was what cost me all my sacrifices in vain. After dissecting it, I tried so hard to separate it from the teapot, and then at the end the paper mash crumbled into pieces.

The pencil holder

This was a successful DIY project I did last year. And I was happy doing it, I made a post about it here in the community and it was a nice one. After the project was done, we got all of our pens and pencils in the pen holders and it worked well for just a day.

It would have lasted longer, I could say, but when I had to take something from the shelf, it fell and scattered immediately. I was surprised and laughed. So my pen holder won't even serve me for long.

There are times when we get beautiful DIY projects done and won't even last that much for us. But there are also these nice feelings you get from getting these projects done and gradually, with time, commitment, and consistency you will get to perfect it someday.

This is my response to the #mayinleo prompt for April. To join you can click Here


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 last month  

Credits to your indomitable spirit. The trial and fail, is part of the diy process. Well done with the pencil holder. Looks good.

😂 😂. Thanks so much for the compliments. Well appreciated

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