Mobile Zine Distro ~ How I Distribute my Art on the Road ~ DIY Publications

in DIYHub19 days ago (edited)

There is something really sweet about a free, street side library. Don't you think? Personally I appreciate the Little Free Library network that is present in suburban USA.

I am a frequent borrower of books and donate my own publications when I come across a new free library.

On a trip to visit my grandparents I stopped by a library box which was full of books. None of them really caught my eye and so I simply dropped off a few of my zines.

Each little booklet is about a different topic. Some are similar to a public journal. These are written by hand and tend to be personal.

Take this page from the Spell Bottles and Herb Sachets Zine where I shared a bit of my own philosophy when it comes to creating magical amulets with daisies and other natural items.

Then there are the more technical zines which I like to type out and add plenty of images.

Growing micro-greens is a topic discussed pretty much weekly on this HIVE blog and I wanted to commit a version to paper, just in case we are every without the internet someday.

This system of sharing used books and DIY publications with the world is a really inspiring in a physical way that blog posts alone cannot replace! For now, it seems, the internet is here to stay as long as we need it which is fortunate because it means that I will continue to share with everyone here on this platform.


Very inspiring!! 🌻 Especially the way you put these Zines together, just inspired me again, seems very intuitive, how you change the writing and the shapes.
And yes, I like that Point, of keeping in touch with the physical world in that way. I guess people finding these Zines could afterwards contact you through your name or something no? That could bring up some lovely interactions! (kind of the physical comment under a blogg-post😁)

Oh wow, this is amazing. I've seen a lot of free libraries here in France near the park or the beach. I grabbed one English book.

I love to hear that these libraries exist in France 🌈📚