How to make an Elegant Lei Corsage for the Guests: Another Challenge unlock!

in DIYHub11 months ago

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe.” —Anatole France


I'm pretty sure that everyone could relate and happy when we heard about Graduation rites. This is an event that greatly has an impact on me and it means "Success". The hard work has paid off, this statement I usually heard and it is true!

Graduation rites are an event in which you can see graduates in tears, not because they were sad but it is of tears of joy and happiness. Atlas! They made it and their family as well.

Anyways, I would like to share with you the task we made during the graduation. I already mention this in my previous blog.

It was a great honor for me and @missleray to make a lei corsage for our graduation guests. We were excited then to what design and combination of colors do look great and elegant.

We were about to make 15 designs for the corsage.

The Materials

Insulation foam
1 roll of ribbons ( color gold)
20 meters of red silver ribbons
15 meters of green silver ribbons
Glue sticks and glue guns
Pair of scissors
Fuchsia color lace

The Preparation

Step 1. Prepare the insulation foam. Draw a circle on it and cut. It depends on your desired sizes.


Step 2. Cut the color gold ribbon into 1.5 inches each. Estimate how many corsages you want to make.


Step 3. Cut the ribbons used for the necklace. The estimated cuttings would be 1.15 meters. Then cut another one into 1.5 inches for the circle design.



Step 4. Print a design for the front and backside. Use a photo paper for the best results.



The Procedures

Step 1. Get the insulation foam and paste the red silver ribbons in the circle form.



Step 2. Next in line would be the color gold. Paste it after the red silver ribbons.


Step 3. Paste the front design by using our glue sticks and gun.



Step 4. Let has had the backside! Get the 1.15-meter necklace and paste it at the back. It would be a better result if you have to try wearing the necklace and estimating where to put the design and then paste them.


Step 5. After, cover the back design using glue sticks. Make sure that the design is pasted in the exact and desired form.



Step 6. When all is done, paste the fuchsia pink behind the back design to cover the insulation foam that can be seen beside it.


This is now the finished material that I and @missleray did. Though it was a little bit hassle in part how to make it and prepare it was an achievement for us. Another Challenge unlock!



Everything is possible if you have perseverance and effort to finish the work well. Take all the task as a challenge and don't think it's a burden or a problem but instead just accept it and enjoy while in the process. Same as what we did. We enjoyed that day while making the corsage and when the graduation ceremony comes we were honored to see that the guests wore it and they look elegant and great indeed! Congratulations to us @missleray, we made it and I am happy to work with you!


That's all for today's blog my friends. Thank you for reading this until here. Keep safe always and to God be the Glory. Bye for now!


This is creative. Anyway, thank you for sharing the materials to be used in making for lei corsage.

We really enjoyed this day and we made it! Happy to share this to everyone. Thank you for reading this and God bless. Have a great day

It's so fun to do DIY things especially if its for an event or for other people to use. I mean this holds true for myself. 😄 I like that you went big with the corsage, the letterings are readable from afar! Nice job and congratulations.

It is indeed so fun @indayclara especially working with @missleray. At first we don't have an idea what will be the outcomes or is the design looks nice or what but eventually we did it and we were happy and proud to see that guests wore them. Have a great day inday and God bless

Teachers are very creative in all ways.😊😊

Indeed sir,very true.

Everything is possible if you have perseverance and effort to finish the work well.

I agree. We did this too with my colleagues. After sa first output, magsinawayay HAHAHAHA A light and fun thing to do.

True @netswriting. Mao nay usa sa mga challenges ang pagpanaway and then take it positively mas improve hinoon if they are around.hehehhe

Makalingaw kaayo maam. Constructive criticism. Like we would love to get comments to help us improve our output. Human lage dayun hehe

Whoa, creating like this from scratch is awesome. Especially you are doing it for the people. It looks so easy to make but Im sure it is also not easy to make it especially with thr process, mejo matrabaho pero keri pa rin no.

 11 months ago  

So, creative it must be hard to make all the things by hand 😅 . the efforts are worth it.

The artistic hands behind the success of the graduation exercises.hehe

Wow! Congratulations on this jaw-dropping corsage that you both made. Paganda Ng paganda huh! Keep it up.

Thank you for the compliment @amoreyl. Grabe sa word jaw dropping oi! It's getting nicer and we always take it as a challenge and we always enjoy what we were doing. Have a great day friend

I like how we improved the production. Saona 10 Ra kabuok for one day, now, we can finish 15 pieces half day. Hehe

Nag anam gyud kanindut ang corsage @simplechalyns 😍. Congratulations,,master na kaayu oyy.

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