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RE: Reusing waste can reduce Construction costs, and save time too.

in DIYHub2 years ago

It was beginning to drop large limbs, so it was dangerous. I hate cutting out trees, but sometimes it isn't avoidable! They had to use a crane to safely remove it, so neither house got hurt, a real mess!

But the work continues, but we've saved the garage, and the back porch converted room! It is coming along, but there's still a lots left to do. It is beginning to look like a nice house.



Yes, I understand, here we have also had to cut down some because of how dangerous they are, especially with so many storms that are seen in these times. I love that model of house and the location they gave it on the land.

It is a nice little house, with a good set back. It also has a nice yard out back.
The wall on the left is the new one we put on the garage.


I love it, it's very nice. thanks for showing me

You're welcome, glad you're interested. We still need to add a back fence, but I'm hoping we can do that after we rent it!

Much left to do....
