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RE: Mirror Swap ~ Installing 2017 Ford F-350 Mirrors on My 2001 Ford Excursion

in DIYHub4 years ago

I was LOL reading this reply.

I did a wheelie in a tandem dump one summer while working for my father-in-law, he was a road builder.
While spreading pea gravel, my very first time doing this, I raised the body of the truck to about a 35 degree angle while, stopped. The chains were on the gate to allow the stone to be spread as I crept up the road. Once I got rolling I just needed to pull the handle which would open the gate while I was moving.

Being new at this, I popped the clutch, and with the body in the air, the truck stood right up on its tailgate. I was looking at the heavens. My brother-in-law had to attach a chain to the front axle and pull the truck back down using the D-8 bulldozer.

That was a little hairy, and needless to say I got my alls busted for years.


😂🤣😂🤣😂. AWESOME!!!