How to make a paper flower craft

in DIYHublast month

Hello everyone, today I'll be showing you how to make a paper flower craft.

This is something that can be used to add to the aesthetics of a home, or office or anywhere else. The great thing about this craft is that you don't even need much equipment. Now let's go into the process of making it.


  • Papers

  • Carton

  • Black tape

  • A pair of scissors

  • Disc

  • Pen


Step 1

I placed the disc on the carton and used the pen to draw a circle.


Step 2

I cut out a square containing the circle I drew from the carton.

Next, I used my scissors to cut out the circle, thereby cutting out the unwanted parts of the carton.


Step 3

I got a piece of paper and folded it from the edge until it gave me several stripes.


Step 4

I cut the paper according to the stripes. Then I folded each stripe. You can get as many papers as you want and cut them. It all depends on the size of what you want to make.



Step 5

I drew a circle on the circular carton I cut out. Then I applied tape along the circular line. After that, I began fixing the folded papers along the edge of the circular carton and held them with the tape.


Step 6

I applied the papers round and that was the first layer


Step 7

After finishing the first layer, I applied tape again and then fixed another set of folded papers, making the second layer. I held them with the tape.


Step 8

I applied another set of folded papers, making it the third layer, and I used tape to hold them.


Step 9

Then it was time to make the flower for the middle. I got a piece of paper. I folded it horizontally. After that, I folded it vertically.



Next, I used my scissors to cut from the horizontal edge of the paper that isn't separated.


Step 10

I opened the paper. You can see the cut in the middle.


I joined both horizontal sides of the paper. I sealed it with tape. Then I began rolling it from one vertical end to the other.


When I got to the end, I attached another piece of paper and I continued rolling until it got the shape of a flower.



Step 11

It was time to attach the flower in the middle. First, I used tape to cover the center part of the carton. Next, I applied tape to the bottom of the little flower I made.


Then I fixed it in the middle of the carton and that was it.



For this craft, you can use any paper color you want. I used black tape because, in a way, it matches the white paper color. I hope you like the craft.

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Wow, this is creativity at its peak, so papers can be transformed into beautiful things like this, I'm speechless

Thanks a lot. I'm glad you like it.

The flowers came out neat and beautiful.

Thank you

 last month  

That is simple and cute. Perfect for gifting. Nice work

Thank you