DIYHub-Momento de aprender, reciclar y practicar.[Time to learn, recycle and practice.]

in DIYHub8 months ago


En costura hay un montón de trucos, tipos de costura y técnicas para aplicar, a veces no es útil hacer una prenda para practicar ciertas cosas ya que puede generar mucho desperdicio si sale mal por eso mi forma de practicar ciertas costuras es hacer pequeñas cosas y repetirlas hasta que el proceso salga bien y como estoy en plan de utilizar mi bolsa de retazos esta ocasión ayuda mucho para ello.

In sewing there are a lot of tricks, types of sewing and techniques to apply, sometimes it is not useful to make a garment to practice certain things since it can generate a lot of waste if it goes wrong, that is why my way of practicing certain seams is to do small things and Repeat them until the process goes well and since I am planning to use my scrap bag this time helps a lot for that.


Una de las cosas que quería aprender este año era la costura francesa, que es un tipo de costura para tela plana que va muy bien cuando no hay máquina overlook, la costura es simple de hacer, pero requiere de algo muy básico que es prestar atención jajajaja, para hacer esto decidí hacer una nueva bolsa para auriculares, ya que la mía estaba bastante estropeada y algo percudida, aunque no se preocupen voy a lavarla bien y volverá al uso.

One of the things I wanted to learn this year was French sewing, which is a type of sewing for flat fabric that works very well when there is no overlook machine. The sewing is simple to do, but it requires something very basic, which is paying attention. hahahaha, to do this I decided to make a new headphone bag, since mine was quite damaged and somewhat damaged, although don't worry, I'm going to wash it well and it will be back to use.


Para esta costura miré algunos tutoriales de la facultad y de internet, pero cometí algunos errores, lo que hay que hacer es coser a 1 cm, cortar medio y volver a coser al 1 cm por el revés, atrapando así la costura, yo entendí esto después jajajaja.
Cosi a medio porque estoy intentando mejorar mis costuras en borde, y eso fue bien, pero esa costura debe hacerse del derecho y yo la hice del revés y luego la costura del revés la hice del derecho jajaja, esto hizo que hacia afuera quede una aleta, cuando eso debería volcarse hacia adentro.

For this sewing I looked at some tutorials from the college and on the internet, but I made some mistakes, what you have to do is sew at 1 cm, cut in half and sew again at 1 cm on the wrong side, thus trapping the seam, I understood this later hahahaha. I sewed halfway because I'm trying to improve my edge seams, and that went well, but that seam has to be done right side up and I did it inside out and then I did the wrong side seam right side up hahaha, this made a flap on the outside , when that should be turned inward.


También hice un canal para pasar una cinta y así poder fruncir y puse un botón con un ojalá, mejoré mucho mi forma de hacer ojales, si bien la máquina los hace de forma automática posicionarlos bien y poner los parámetros correctos hace que salgan bien y en este caso así fue.

I also made a channel to pass a ribbon so I could gather it and I put a button with a buttonhole, I greatly improved my way of making buttonholes, although the machine makes them automatically, positioning them well and setting the correct parameters makes them turn out well and in This case was like that.


El canal esta al revés también jajaja creo que no estaba prestando tanta atención en este proyecto, pero al final de todo funciona y sirve, para hacer esto use lienzo sobrante de una entrega de la facultad.

The channel is backwards too hahaha I think I wasn't paying that much attention to this project, but in the end it works and is useful, to do this I used leftover canvas from a college delivery.


Mi otra práctica fue una costura volteada, creo que ese no es su nombre original pero no sé de qué otra forma llamarla, esto es un poco más difícil, pero para hacerla hice una scrunchie.
Esta costura consiste en coser volteado, escondiendo la costura en sí misma, es hasta difícil de explicar, la idea es que por fuera no se vea nada de la costura salvo un pequeño pedacito que es por donde volteamos.

My other practice was a flip seam, I don't think that's its original name but I don't know what else to call it, this is a little more difficult, but to do it I made a scrunchie. This seam consists of sewing turned, hiding the seam itself, it is even difficult to explain, the idea is that on the outside nothing of the seam can be seen except for a small piece which is where we turn.


Para esto también utilicé tela reciclada y una gomita de pelo que tenía dando vueltas por ahí, yo realmente no utilizo mucho esto, pero me servía la práctica, como mi pelo es corto casi no lo sujeto, salvo cuando voy a trabajar en algún proyecto.
Si bien es un poco difícil de hacer la primera vez creo que con más práctica va a salir mejor y voy a seguir practicando esto para un proyecto futuro, además creo que una scrunchie nunca viene mal para el bolso.

For this I also used recycled fabric and a hair tie that I had lying around, I don't really use this much, but practice helped me, since my hair is short I almost don't tie it up, except when I'm going to work on a project. Although it is a little difficult to do the first time, I think that with more practice it will turn out better and I will continue practicing this for a future project, and I also think that a scrunchie is never a bad thing for the bag.
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También aproveché e hice unas nuevas agarraderas para las ollas y la cocina, ya que la que hice hace mucho estaba pidiendo un descanso al menos, utilice muchos pequeños retazos que uní de un lado, y del otro use tela entera, miden unos 16 cm de cada lado.

I also took advantage and made some new handles for the pots and the stove, since the one I made a long time ago was asking for a break at least, I used many small scraps that I joined on one side, and on the other I used whole fabric, they measure about 16 cm long. each side.
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Creo que lo malo con esto es que quedaron un poco blandos ya que son de fibrana sobrante, pero ya se me va a ocurrir algo para ponerles por dentro, estaba pensando en utilizar pequeños retacitos y rellenarlo como si fueran almohadas y así tener un mejor agarre.

Además rellenarlos me ayudaría mucho a poder utilizar más de los pequeños trozos de tela que van sobrando y no sé qué hacer con ellos.

I think the bad thing about this is that they were a little soft since they are made of leftover Fibrana, but I'm going to think of something to put inside them, I was thinking of using small pieces and filling them as if they were pillows and thus have a better grip .

Also, filling them would help me a lot to be able to use more of the small pieces of fabric that are left over and I don't know what to do with them.

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Todos estos proyectos me sirven para poder ir utilizando todos esos descartes de tela con los que no sé qué hacer, tengo en mente hacer algunas bolsas para broches, o pequeñas bolsas para guardar en el bolso o cartera productos sanitarios y así mantenerlos protegidos, voy a tratar de terminar mi bolsa de retazos cuánto antes, si tienen alguna idea me gustaría un poco de ayuda jajaja, hasta la próxima ❤️.

All these projects help me to be able to use all those fabric scraps that I don't know what to do with, I have in mind to make some bags for brooches, or small bags to store sanitary products in my bag or purse and thus keep them protected, I am going to try to finish my bag of scraps as soon as possible, if you have any ideas I would like a little help hahaha, until next time ❤️.


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Todas las fotos fueron tomadas por mí
All photos were taken by me


Cute! There is no harm in trying something new, and don't worry, you get better with time, I also started learning how to sew through the internet, and today, I can confidently make beautiful dresses.

Yes, I think we can learn a lot online :3 thanks for commenting

A very nice craft I always respect from your excellent sewing skills as well as the decision to use the scrub bag is very important. I always respect your good deeds. Thank you so much for presenting us with such wonderful talent. I am hoping that God will increase your experience for more work. My love and respect to you and your family.

thank you so much

you are most welcome my dear friend

👍 ❤️ Upvoted ❤️ 👍

Thanks for the support

Thank you so much for sharing the details of how to make it. I will try this scrunchie stitch the next day. Have a nice day.

I'm glad you like it, it's a good way to do it and almost no seams are visible, greetings :3

 8 months ago  

Practice makes things perfect. You can find the exact thing you are looking for when you have an open mind, learn, and practice. Nice work! Keep it up!

Thank you very much, it is exactly what I think you have to do when you want to improve your creations :3