Fresh and Refreshing Muskmelon Juice.

in Amazing Drinks25 days ago (edited)

Hello, namaste! How are you all? I hope you all are doing well. I am also fine. Today, I have brought a recipe for making muskmelon juice for you. Who doesn't like eating muskmelon? But did you know that you can also drink its juice and it has many benefits? So let's learn how to make it. Here are the ingredients you will need


☘️- Muskmelon: 500 grams
☘️- Sugar: 1 tablespoon
☘️- Mint leaves: a few
☘️- Ice cubes


  1. First, wash the muskmelon thoroughly.Then, cut it into two halves and scoop out the seeds with a spoon.


  • Peel the muskmelon and cut the flesh into small pieces.


  • Take a jar and add the muskmelon pieces first.
    Then add the mint leaves and sugar, and blend it until smooth.

  1. Pour the juice into a glass.Add some ice cubes to chill the juice.


✅ Serve immediately to enjoy its fresh taste and benefits.

Muskmelon juice is not only refreshing but also packed with nutrients, making it very beneficial for your diet, especially during the summer season.

Thanks for reading my blog 🙏🇮🇳🇮🇳


The combination of muskmelon with mint leaves in this amazing smoothie flavored juice always makes for a great juice. Mint leaves are a very beneficial natural plant for the human body. Activities that are in the form of beverages are great for keeping the family healthy.

Yes, my friend, you are right. Thank you for appreciating me.

Refreshing and delicious drink 💕💕💕

Thank you 🙏

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Melon juice contains diuretic properties, I love it 😉

I like it too. Thanks for the appreciation.

The mint adds a bit of a different flavor, as the musk melon is very bland and not very sweet. its good for health. Thanks for sharing, dear.