Homemade Hot Cocoa with Coconut Milk & Peanut Butter (lactose-free, starch-free)

in Amazing Drinks3 months ago (edited)

Hi, drink lovers!

I hope you're all doing great 😁

How do you like your hot cocoa?

Hot cocoa is extremely popular around the world. At home, we have a cup of hot cocoa at least twice a month, I think. It's a weekend thing, when we feel ready to take a break and indulge in a comforting treat. And it's a must when the weather is rainy.

I use vegetable milks I make myself, mostly coconut milk; our guests always find it delicious and are happy to find a little jar with vegetable milk next to the coffee or tea pot, or chocolate pot. It's a nice twist. And today, I decided to give our hot cocoa an extra twist with a little peanut butter. If you're not allergic to peanuts, you may want to try it 😋


Flavonols and polyphenols in the cocoa powder we use to make this delicious soft drink benefit our bodies and souls, helping us keep our cholesterol and sugar under control, and making us feel in a good mood; they say chocolate makes you feel like you're in love. Just be sure to keep sugar to a minimum or you'll be working against those benefits.




For the coconut milk

  • 600 gr coconut flesh
  • 700-800 ml all the coconut water + water
  • 1-2 teaspoon salt

  • a yogurt bag or similar to drain and squeeze the coconut

For the hot cocoa:

  • 300 ml homemade coconut milk
  • 50 gr cocoa powder (no sugar)
  • 50 gr peanut butter
  • 2 egg yolks (M)

  • Make it sweet to your liking. I didn't add any sugar or sweeteners this time.



I started by making the coconut milk, obviously 😁 I burned the coconuts a little by placing them directly over the stove fire. I rotated them a couple of times with my kitchen tongs for 1 or 2 minutes, until I heared them crack.


This time I took the water out after I burned them. When I want immaculated milk, I do things differently (like here or here). Today, I just want enough milk to make cocoa today and tomorrow for my guests. I inserted the scissors in the soft pore of the coconut to open the hole where I took out all the water.


Then, with no feminine manners whatsoever, I put each empty coconut inside my old kitchen towel and hit it against the floor to get it open. I continue to be lazy to find my little hammer and keep it in the kitchen 🙈


I easily peeled the coconut meat from the husk and unlike other times, I did not remove the endocarp (since I was not going to use the coconut bagasse). I cut the coconut meat into pieces of about 1 cm wide, small enough so as not to make my blender work too hard.


I put the coconut in the blender glass and added the water, which I had heated a little previously.


When the water is warm to hot, the coconut blends more smoothly and you get the milk more easily.

Next thing was pouring the content of the blender glass in the yogurt dripping bag and squeeze! 😁


The milk comes out with just a little effort.

Soon you can see the pot filled with delicious and warm fresh coconut milk.


Then I added the salt and brought the pot to medium heat and let the milk cook a little, about 5 minutes, stirring constantly until it almost boils. It's important to stir and not let it boil, or the milk may curdle.


Once I saw the milk was about to boil, I removed the pot from the fire and continued to stir a little for about half a minute.


I made sure the milk was homogeneous.

At this point, I reached for the cocoa powder and the last bit of homemade coconut milk I had in the fridge to use it. I also poured half of the milk or so in a glass to store it a bit later when it cooled.


I added the cocoa and the rest of the milk and mixed well.


Then, the easy part: peanut butter.


I just added some to the cocoa and mixed it well. Easy.


I used a hand whisk.


Now, in my town, hot chocolate is drunk very hot and somewhat thick. This thickness is achieved with some cornstarch, usually. I sometimes make it this way, but today I decided to make it a little more flavorful and use egg yolks as a thickener. Besides, I'm collecting egg whites to make a white cake, so any chance to use up the yolks is welcome, haha.


If you're fast with the hand whisk, you can pour the yolks directly into the hot chocolate and mix, like I did.


At this point, you can add more egg yolks or more milk, or even water, until you get the desired consistency. Mine was fine just like this.

I served five cups and there was enough for a second round.


It had an intense taste of cocoa, an extra nutty flavor from the peanut butter, and the softness of the yolks


It was perfect for a rainy day like today.




All text and images are my own. I have taken the pictures with my Redmi 9T cell phone. And if any GIFs here, I've used GIPHY for all them.


Thank you so much for your visit :)


Banner by @andresromero 🖤


Esta forma de preparar el chocolate caliente es estupenda. Nunca lo he probado con yemas de huevo, generalmente lo espeso con maicena, pero esa idea es bien interesante. Tampoco le he añadido mantequilla de maní, esto es muy interesante, debe acentuar el sabor y hacerlo aún más delicioso. Estupenda receta @marlyncabrera, especialmente para este fin de semana. Gracias por compartir tu súper contenido en Amazing Drinks. Saludos.

@sagarkothari88 vote 20%

Hey @marlyncabrera! sagarkothari88 upvoted based on request from @sirenahippie
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Hola, querida @sirenahippie 🥰 Yo casi siempre uso Maicena también. Y mira, lo de la mantequilla de maní es bien curioso; hasta con el café negro o con leche va bien. Esta marca, Skippy, es un poco fuerte de azúcar y de sal. Realmente, uno la puede hacer y queda mejor, pero ya sabes, es un trabajito extra.

Muchas gracias por pasar. Hoy el cielo está encapotado, así que es buen momento para un chocolate caliente. Salud 😁☕


Yum! You have been curated by @sirenahippie on behalf of FoodiesUnite.net on #Hive. Thanks for using the #foodie tag. We are a tribe for the Foodie community with a unique approach to content and community and we are here on #Hive.

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Thank you so much for your consideration and support, @amazingdrinks ☕💕

That looks simply delicious. Perfect for a rainy and a bit foggy afternoon, as these that we are having in Caracas in the last few days, which by the way are a bit weird at this time of the year. Cheers:)


Saharan dust and crazy weather, we still dealing with COVID-19 after a surreal pandemic, and these "soft rains" remind me a lot of Sara Teasdale's poem and Bradbury's chronicle, and make want a cup of hot cocoa--despite the heat; Cumaná is getting hotter by the hour 🥵

Thank you so much for dropping by, dear @coquicoin ☕❤️

Ese Chocolate se ve asombroso con todos esos ingredientes, lo que es nuevo para mí es el espesar con yemas de huevo, me parece genial, a lo mejor yo le agregaría algún endulzante, bueno tendría que probar.
Saludos1 😊

Hola, @carisma77 🥰 Cuando no tengo chocolate de taza, uso cacao en polvo y lo espeso con Maicena por lo regular. Con yema queda más sabroso pero menos ligero; ya cuando queda poco, hay que buscar cucharita o perder el glamour, jaja.

Gracias por pasar ☕❤️

Gracias por la explicación eres muy amable 😁💕

A ti, por la visita. Por estos días lluviosos, va muy bien un chocolate bien caliente (o una marquesa bien cargada de chocolate 😉❤️).

Jajajaja siiii 😊

It’s incredible to see you sharing your cocoa recipe. The last time I had it was at Bangalore. Smooth had one of the best cocoa I have had. 🤤

Oh, I hope you can have a nice cup of cocoa any time soon. Thank you so much for dropping by, amazing @coffeenlove ❤️

It was interesting reading through the recipe. The drink looks yummy and tasty and maybe I will try it out sometime. Thanks sharing and have a great weekend

Homemade coconut drink milks are special; many people get to love them even more than the cow's milk versions after they try them for the first time. I hope you can have that opportunity soon, @aloysiusmbaba. Thank you so much for dropping by 😁

Chocolate caliente para calentarnos el cuerpo. ¡Qué delicia, me encanta y nunca he probado con leche de coco, pero imagino que es delicioso! Mi madre espesaba el chocolate con maicena, ya nos trajiste una nueva técnica, ¡gracias!

Buenísimo para las lluvias de estos días, auqnue acá en Cumaná, el calor no se va. Es fiel 😒

Verás cuando uses yema que no queda tan fino como con maicena, que me encanta igual, pero queda con más sabor. Saludos, querida @dlizara ❤️

Si esa zona es muy calurosa al igual que acá en el estado Aragua..En la noche y cuando llueve refresca algunos dias, y en el día el sol es fuerte y no se aguanta el calorón ..

Guao... delicioso chocolate preparado de una nueva manera para mi, me ha encantao tanto que pude percibir su aroma y sabor, calentando mis manos en esta noche fría que cubre la capital...
Chocolate caliente es un disfrute amoroso,
Maravillosa tu receta, gracias por compartirla ❤️

Por acá el clima está bastante raro. Se pone lluvioso de repente. Las mañanas, con mucho calor y sol. Para los cumaneses, el chocolate siempre es bueno en las tardes lluviosas, ya que es un cambio radical del clima en esta costa. Me imagino lo rico que debe estar el ambiente en Caracas, ideal para compartir un chocolate caliente (con queso 😁).

Gracias por pasar, querida @aguamiel ❤️

Lo del clima es realmente raro... hoy no llovió, por donde vivo la neblina esta húmeda y hace mucho frio, que reconfortante es un abrazo amoroso disfrutando de un chocolate caliente con un trozo de queso derretido OMG!
Me encanta estar en tu cocina ❤️

Me encantaría probar hacer este chocolate caliente con yemas de huevo. Me imagino que le da un sabor algo parecido a una crema pastelera de chocolate.

En cuanto a la mantequilla de maní, para mí es perfecta, porque me encanta. Es más, la mantequilla de mami queda bien en todos los postres. Así que esta idea es sensacional!

Gracias, @marlyncabrera por compartir esta energética bebida que se disfruta divinamente en un día de lluvia y frío!

Hola, querida Zu ❤️ Es así, tiene algo por allí de crema pastelera, así que los pies se te levantan del suelo, jaja. Creo que lo que dices de la mantequilla de maní es cierto. Hace un par de años, la probé cómo parte de la cobertura de un bizcocho de limón y me sorprendió lo bien que sabía. Una locura. Como que va con todo lo dulce.

Gracias por pasar por tu tacita de chocolate. Poquito por es bendito 😁 y engorda 🙈

This is so delicious and full of nourishment beautiful. Its indeed enjoyable. Thanks for sharing with us.

Thank you so much, my friend ❤️ I think most of us like hot cocoa. Vegetable milks can be really good to prepare it. All of our guests, with no exception, say they'd like their hot cocoa better with coconut milk once they try it, even the vegan version with cornstarch instead of egg yolks 💚

Thank you so much for dropping by 😁

Always beautiful 😻. Cheers to the new new week.