Easy to make probiotic drink 🥃.//. for a happy gut

in Amazing Drinks10 days ago

Hi, amazing drink lover. There is nothing better than being healthy and having a healthy gut. Probiotics are known for reducing inflammation and keeping the gut healthy. Probiotic supplements might be expensive but there are homemade probiotics that are easy to make and less expensive. You can live healthily on a budget.

There are various probiotic drinks that you can make at home but today I will be showing my favorite go-to probiotic drink, which is made of ginger, garlic, and clove. Due to the smell of the drink, I usually take it at night. Ginger helps with constipation and other bowel diseases, garlic improves digestion and helps with ulcers, and clove is highly antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. The health benefits of these ingredients are not limited to this.

Clove, in ratio 2:2:1 respectively
Lastly, tap water to improve bacteria growth.

Step 1
I peeled my garlic and ginger.

Step 2
I wash my garlic and ginger and chop it into smaller pieces. Then I put them into a bottle and added water.

Step 3
I added cloves into the bottle and added more water

Step 4
I let it ferment for 3 days and here is the finished product.

Thanks for visiting my blog ✨❤️

All images are mine. Thumbnail made with canva

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Easy enough, @rayoo

BUT.... How does it taste?

I have patients that drink a shot of unfiltered apple cider vinegar every day and swear by it.

I could not get past the taste, lol

The taste is not pleasant obviously but, the benefits from it are amazing

And it has an annoying smell, because of the garlic

Gotcha, thanks.


Hi @rayoo

Interesting drink. We suggest you read our community rules very carefully, especially this one:

Add at least three photos showing you preparing your amazing drink.

We also remind you that the list of ingredients must have the quantities properly expressed, and you must also clearly indicate how much of the drink you get from your recipe.

I also doubt that this can ferment, because garlic has antibiotic and antibacterial properties, in addition to being unpalatable in drinks.

Thank you.

Ok, thank you