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RE: Refreshing Smoothie: Orange, Pineapple, Coconut Water & Ginger

This post is great @marlyncabrera! It is always so nice to know part of the personal history of each user, and you have given us part of your family memories, thank you very much, we really appreciate it.

Now I'm amazed at the use of Malay apple blossoms, I've never eaten them, I'll have to find someone who has a tree near of my house, it must taste great.

And the idea that your mom had to make this creamy juice is great.

Thank you very much for choosing the Amazing Drinks community to share your great content. Greetings.


Thank you so much for dropping by, dear @sirenahippie 😁❤️

Malay apple trees are popular around here. There are many in my neighborhood. We have one in the backyard; it's old and generous. Its flowers' taste is like a mix of pomegranate and concord grapes, great for salads. I didn't know they were edible until a couple of years ago. Besides, they are beautiful.

I don't know how hot is the weather in your town, but here we need tons of refreshing smoothies. May the weather be gentle around there. Cheers! 🥤❤️